57ef82c Add lexbelt to git ignore so it doesn't pick up test executable
5d0aa9d Add yaml example for slots
e4d9ab8 Change yaml definition in preperation for specifying a mono bot
250a529 Finish testing of monobot, we have a fairly stable release now
de1bfdd Fix and test json monobot example
f41bdae Merge pull request #2 from sethkor/single-file-lex
c87faa3 Merge pull request #3 from sethkor/single-file-lex
56e1475 Merge pull request #4 from sethkor/single-file-lex
7564f34 Merge pull request #5 from sethkor/single-file-lex
5215353 More yaml examples
5b7916e Tidy up example, remove duplicate file and add missing part to file we kept
fd1181a Tidy up status reporting when a new bot is built
27c6e49 fix README format git quirk