Modules & resources related to the yo-yo module.
A tiny library for building modular UI components using DOM diffing and ES6 tagged template literals, powered by bel and morphdom and based on the "yo-yo" data binding pattern: data down, actions up.
- adventuretron - Create self-guided workshops using electron
- - The hosted web application for dat
- enviar - Chat interface for SMS / text messages.
- minidocs - Build a minimalist site for your documentation
- uppy - The next open source file uploader for web browsers.
- bel - Create composable DOM elements using template strings.
- hyperx - Convert template strings to library backends.
- morphdom - Fast and lightweight DOM diffing/patching (without the virtual part).
Frameworks / libraries that use yo-yo.
UI components & related modules that are compatible with yo-yo. Many modules that are built with bel and choo as dependencies that create DOM nodes should be compatible with yo-yo (they all ultimately have bel as a dependency).
- base-elements – A selection of configurable native DOM UI elements.
- beldown - Turn markdown into DOM nodes using tagged template strings.
- bel-video-element - A simple video element with bel.
- choo-chartist - A wrapper for using Chartist.
- dom-notifications - Atom-inspired notifications component.
- element-wrapper - A simple and safe way to set innerHTML for yo-yo or bel component.
- interactive-sandbox - Create editable, interactive code examples for the browser that bundle dependencies from npm.
- modal-element - A basic modal DOM element.
- yo-fs - A client-side modular stream-friendly ui browser widget for navigating directories.
- yo-yo-autogrow - textarea component via yo-yo, automatically adjust height.
- yo-yoify - Transform yo-yo or bel template strings into pure and fast document calls.
- babel-plugin-yo-yoify - The same, but as a Babel plugin.