myUniBo app revisited using Jetpack Compose by Android. myUniBo is the main app for students enrolled to the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy. It lets you book exams, see lessons of the day, grades and stats about your career
- add "fake" grades to see how gpa and starting grade change
- add Virtuale courses (each course contains slides, past exams and professors announcements)
- add tuition screen, otherwise you would go to Studenti Online to see it
- add Dark Theme support
- add virtual badge with future possibility of combining it with NFC to unlock doors on campus
- Kotlin as main language
- Jetpack Compose as modern toolkit for native UI
- Material components for Jetpack Compose to build UI faster
- Room as local DB
- Datastore to cache user info, instead of SharedPreferences since it's deprecated
- Dagger Hilt for Dependency Injection
- Kalendar to use Calendar Component for Homepage
- Accompanist System Controller to change status and navigation bar colors