Gelf4NLog is an NLog target implementation to push log messages to GrayLog2. It implements the Gelf specification and communicates with GrayLog server via UDP.
Solution is comprised of 3 projects: Target is the actual NLog target implementation, UnitTest contains the unit tests for the NLog target, and ConsoleRunner is a simple console project created in order to demonstrate the library usage.
Use Nuget:
PM> Install-Package Gelf4NLog.Target
Here is a sample nlog configuration snippet:
<section name="nlog" type="NLog.Config.ConfigSectionHandler, NLog" />
<nlog xmlns=""
<add assembly="Gelf4NLog.Target"/>
<!-- Other targets (e.g. console) -->
<target name="graylog"
<logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="graylog" />
Options are the following:
- name: arbitrary name given to the target
- type: set this to "graylog"
- hostip: IP address of the GrayLog2 server
- hostport: Port number that GrayLog2 server is listening on
- facility: The graylog2 facility to send log messages
//excerpt from ConsoleRunner
var eventInfo = new LogEventInfo
Message = comic.Title,
Level = LogLevel.Info,
eventInfo.Properties.Add("Publisher", comic.Publisher);
eventInfo.Properties.Add("ReleaseDate", comic.ReleaseDate);
##Contributing Would you be interested in contributing? All PRs are welcome but also see issue #12.