Go package for working with Twitter archives.
To build binary versions of these tools run the cli
Makefile target. For example:
$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -o bin/emit cmd/emit/main.go
go build -mod vendor -o bin/pointers cmd/pointers/main.go
go build -mod vendor -o bin/trim cmd/trim/main.go
go build -mod vendor -o bin/unshorten cmd/unshorten/main.go
$> ./bin/emit -h
Usage of ./bin/emit:
-append-all -append-
Enable all the -append- flags.
-append-timestamp created
Append a created property containing a Unix timestamp derived from the `created_at` property.
-append-urls unshortened_url
Append a unshortened_url property for each `entities.urls.(n)` property.
Format JSON output for each record.
Emit a JSON list.
Emit to /dev/null
-query value
One or more {PATH}={REGEXP} parameters for filtering records.
-query-mode string
Specify how query filtering should be evaluated. Valid modes are: ALL, ANY (default "ALL")
Emit to STDOUT (default true)
Trim default tweet.js JavaScript prefix. (default true)
-tweets-uri tweets.js
A valid gocloud.dev/blob URI to your tweets.js file.
For example:
./bin/emit \
-append-all \
-json \
-format-json \
-tweets-uri file:///usr/local/twitter/data/tweet.js
"created_at": "Mon Sep 19 19:21:04 +0000 2011",
"display_text_range": ["0", "88"],
"entities": {
"hashtags": [],
"symbols": [],
"urls": [
"display_url": "bit.ly/q8nobK",
"expanded_url": "http://bit.ly/q8nobK",
"indices": ["68", "88"],
"url": "http://t.co/aGv43tHf",
"unshortened_url": "https://www.flysfo.com/web/page/sfo_museum/exhibitions/terminal1_exhibitions/B3_archive/robert_apte/01.html"
"user_mentions": []
"favorite_count": "0",
"favorited": false,
"full_text": "Is anyone else hot? How about an Antarctic iceberg to cool you off: http://t.co/aGv43tHf",
"id": "115868023763632128",
"id_str": "115868023763632128",
"lang": "en",
"possibly_sensitive": false,
"retweet_count": "0",
"retweeted": false,
"source": "\u003ca href=\"https://about.twitter.com/products/tweetdeck\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTweetDeck\u003c/a\u003e",
"truncated": false,
"created": 1316460064
...and so on
You can also specify inline queries by passing a -query
parameter which is a string in the format of:
Paths follow the dot notation syntax used by the tidwall/gjson package and regular expressions are any valid Go language regular expression. Successful path lookups will be treated as a list of candidates and each candidate's string value will be tested against the regular expression's MatchString method.
For example:
> ./bin/emit \
-json \
-format-json \
-query 'full_text=\bSFO\b' \
-tweets-uri file:///usr/local/twitter/data/tweet.js
"created_at": "Tue Sep 20 18:30:53 +0000 2011",
"display_text_range": ["0", "140"],
"entities": {
"hashtags": [],
"symbols": [],
"urls": [],
"user_mentions": [
"id": "16408759",
"id_str": "16408759",
"indices": ["3", "10"],
"name": "San Francisco International Airport (SFO) ✈️",
"screen_name": "flySFO"
"favorite_count": "0",
"favorited": false,
"full_text": "RT @flySFO: Nothing better than listening 2 an audio tour while waiting to board your flight. Introducing SFO's T2 iTunes Art Tour! http ...",
"id": "116217783158714368",
"id_str": "116217783158714368",
"lang": "en",
"retweet_count": "0",
"retweeted": false,
"source": "\u003ca href=\"https://about.twitter.com/products/tweetdeck\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTweetDeck\u003c/a\u003e",
"truncated": false
"created_at": "Tue Sep 20 19:26:16 +0000 2011",
"display_text_range": ["0", "140"],
"entities": {
"hashtags": [
"indices": ["76", "80"],
"text": "SFO"
"symbols": [],
"urls": [
"display_url": "fb.me/OdC3kRWA",
"expanded_url": "http://fb.me/OdC3kRWA",
"indices": ["120", "140"],
"url": "http://t.co/6AOJbcIq"
"user_mentions": [
"id": "20019271",
"id_str": "20019271",
"indices": ["8", "16"],
"name": "Jetwerk",
"screen_name": "Jetwerk"
"favorite_count": "0",
"favorited": false,
"full_text": "Thx! RT @Jetwerk: Have you checked out the TV in the Antenna Age exhibit in #SFO T3. Walk down memory lane. Very cool...http://t.co/6AOJbcIq",
"id": "116231720801538048",
"id_str": "116231720801538048",
"lang": "en",
"possibly_sensitive": false,
"retweet_count": "0",
"retweeted": false,
"source": "\u003ca href=\"https://about.twitter.com/products/tweetdeck\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTweetDeck\u003c/a\u003e",
"truncated": false
...and so on
You can pass multiple -query
$> ./bin/emit \
-json \
-format-json \
-query 'full_text=\bSFO\b' \
-query 'full_text=\bJFK\b' \
-tweets-uri file:///usr/local/twitter/data/tweet.js
"created_at": "Wed Oct 03 18:53:02 +0000 2012",
"display_text_range": ["0", "143"],
"entities": {
"hashtags": [],
"symbols": [],
"urls": [],
"user_mentions": [
"id": "3042711",
"id_str": "3042711",
"indices": ["17", "28"],
"name": "Mark Graham",
"screen_name": "MarkGraham"
"favorite_count": "0",
"favorited": false,
"full_text": "Woot! Thanks! RT @MarkGraham: Today is SFO-\u0026gt;JFK. The \"Deities in Stone\",Hindu Temple Architecture exhibit, at the United terminal is amazing",
"id": "253568360359546881",
"id_str": "253568360359546881",
"lang": "en",
"retweet_count": "0",
"retweeted": false,
"source": "\u003ca href=\"https://about.twitter.com/products/tweetdeck\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTweetDeck\u003c/a\u003e",
"truncated": false
The default query mode is to ensure that all queries match but you can also specify that only one or more queries need to match by passing the -query-mode ANY
$> ./bin/emit \
-json \
-format-json \
-query 'full_text=\bSFO\b' \
-query 'full_text=\bJFK\b' \
-query-mode ANY \
-tweets-uri file:///usr/local/twitter/data/tweet.js
"created_at": "Wed May 25 00:20:46 +0000 2016",
"display_text_range": ["0", "136"],
"entities": {
"hashtags": [
"indices": ["0", "10"],
"text": "OnThisDay"
"indices": ["37", "47"],
"text": "Worldport"
"indices": ["67", "71"],
"text": "JFK"
"indices": ["75", "79"],
"text": "NYC"
"media": [
"display_url": "pic.twitter.com/F7H5ge7hX0",
"expanded_url": "https://twitter.com/SFOMuseum/status/735264308389502976/photo/1",
"id": "735264306720186368",
"id_str": "735264306720186368",
"indices": ["113", "136"],
"media_url": "http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjQu_coUoAAfGpb.jpg",
"media_url_https": "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjQu_coUoAAfGpb.jpg",
"sizes": {
"large": {
"h": "2000",
"resize": "fit",
"w": "1923"
"medium": {
"h": "1200",
"resize": "fit",
"w": "1154"
"small": {
"h": "680",
"resize": "fit",
"w": "654"
"thumb": {
"h": "150",
"resize": "crop",
"w": "150"
"type": "photo",
"url": "https://t.co/F7H5ge7hX0"
"symbols": [],
"urls": [],
"user_mentions": []
"extended_entities": {
"media": [
"display_url": "pic.twitter.com/F7H5ge7hX0",
"expanded_url": "https://twitter.com/SFOMuseum/status/735264308389502976/photo/1",
"id": "735264306720186368",
"id_str": "735264306720186368",
"indices": ["113", "136"],
"media_url": "http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjQu_coUoAAfGpb.jpg",
"media_url_https": "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjQu_coUoAAfGpb.jpg",
"sizes": {
"large": {
"h": "2000",
"resize": "fit",
"w": "1923"
"medium": {
"h": "1200",
"resize": "fit",
"w": "1154"
"small": {
"h": "680",
"resize": "fit",
"w": "654"
"thumb": {
"h": "150",
"resize": "crop",
"w": "150"
"type": "photo",
"url": "https://t.co/F7H5ge7hX0"
"display_url": "pic.twitter.com/F7H5ge7hX0",
"expanded_url": "https://twitter.com/SFOMuseum/status/735264308389502976/photo/1",
"id": "735264307491930117",
"id_str": "735264307491930117",
"indices": ["113", "136"],
"media_url": "http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjQu_fgUgAUmT2m.jpg",
"media_url_https": "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjQu_fgUgAUmT2m.jpg",
"sizes": {
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"h": "2000",
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"h": "1200",
"resize": "fit",
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"h": "680",
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"w": "656"
"thumb": {
"h": "150",
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"w": "150"
"type": "photo",
"url": "https://t.co/F7H5ge7hX0"
"favorite_count": "8",
"favorited": false,
"full_text": "#OnThisDay in 1960, the Pan American #Worldport terminal opened at #JFK in #NYC. Did you ever fly out Worldport? https://t.co/F7H5ge7hX0",
"id": "735264308389502976",
"id_str": "735264308389502976",
"lang": "en",
"possibly_sensitive": false,
"retweet_count": "5",
"retweeted": false,
"source": "\u003ca href=\"http://twitter.com\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTwitter Web Client\u003c/a\u003e",
"truncated": false
...and so on
Export pointers (for users and hashtags) from a tweets.json
file (produced by the trim
$> ./bin/pointers -h
Usage of ./bin/pointers:
Export hash tags in tweets. (default true)
Export users mentioned in tweets. (default true)
Trim default tweet.js JavaScript prefix. (default true)
-tweets-uri tweets.js
A valid gocloud.dev/blob URI to your tweets.js file.
For example:
$> ./bin/pointers -tweets-uri file:///usr/local/twitter/data/tweet.js
Trim JavaScript boilerplate from a tweets.js
file in order to make it valid JSON. Outputs to STDOUT
./bin/trim -h
Usage of ./bin/trim:
-tweets-uri tweets.js
A valid gocloud.dev/blob URI to your tweets.js file.
For example:
$> ./bin/trim -tweets /usr/local/twitter/data/tweet.js > /usr/local/twitter/data/tweet.json
Expand all the URLs in a tweets.js
file. Outputs a JSON dictionary to STDOUT
./bin/unshorten -h
Usage of ./bin/unshorten:
Display progress information
-qps int
Number of (unshortening) queries per second (default 10)
-seed string
Pre-fill the unshortening cache with data in this file
-timeout int
Maximum number of seconds of for an unshorterning request (default 30)
Trim default tweet.js JavaScript prefix. (default true)
-tweets-uri tweets.js
A valid gocloud.dev/blob URI to your tweets.js file.
For example:
$> ./bin/unshorten -progress -tweets-uri file:///usr/local/twitter/data/tweet.js
2020/10/06 11:37:02 Head "http://gowal.la/p/hHG2": dial tcp: lookup gowal.la: no such host
2020/10/06 11:37:08 Head "http://danceonmarket.com/events/": dial tcp: lookup danceonmarket.com: no such host
2020/10/06 11:37:11 3431 of 3461 URLs left to unshorten (from 9759 tweets)
...and so on