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Deep Learning Model Extension Specification


This document explains the Template Extension to the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification. This document explains the fields of the STAC Deep Learning Model (dlm) Extension to a STAC Item. The main objective is to be able to build model collections that can be searched and that are containing enough information to be able to deploy an inference service. When Deep Learning models are trained using satellite imagery, it is important to track essential information if you want to make them searchable and reusable:

  1. Input data origin and specifications
  2. Model base transforms
  3. Model output and its semantic interpretation
  4. Runtime environment to be able to run the model
  5. Scientific references

Item Properties and Collection Fields

Field Name Type Description
dlm:data [Data Object] Describes the EO data compatible with the model.
dlm:inputs [Inputs Object] Describes the transformation between the EO data and the model inputs.
dlm:architecture [Architecture Object] Describes the model architecture.
dlm:runtime [Runtime Object] Describes the runtime environments to run the model (inference).
dlm:outputs [Outputs Object] Describes the model output and how to interpret it.

In addition, fields from the following extensions must be imported in the item:

Data Object

Field Name Type Description
process_ level enum Data processing level (L0= raw, L4= ARD). The levels are described by an enum. Important parameter because it can impact the apparent variability of the data.
dtype enum Data type (uint8, uint16, etc.) enum based on numpy base types. Potentially important for data normalization and therefore pre-processing.
nodata_value integer 'No data' value, may be relevant if the network should ignore this value.
number_of_bands integer Number of bands used by the model
useful_bands [Outputs Object] Describes only the relevant bands for the model, based on the eo:bands object but indicates only the relevant bands.

Inputs Object

Field Name Type Description
name string Python name of the input variable.
input_tensors [Tensor Object] Shape of the input tensor ($N\times C\times H \times W$).
scaling_factor number Scaling factor to apply to get data within [0,1]. For instance scaling_factor=0.004 for 8-bit data.
normalization:mean list of numbers Mean vector value to be removed from the data. The vector size must be consistent with input_tensors:dim and selected_bands.
normalization:std list of numbers Standard-deviation values used to normalize the data. The vector size must be consistent with input_tensors:dim and selected_bands.
selected_band list of integers Specifies the bands selected from the data described in dlm:data.
pre_processing_function string Defines a python pre-processing function (path and inputs should be specified).

Tensor Object

Field Name Type Description
batch number Batch size dimension (must be > 0).
dim number Number of channels (must be > 0).
height number Height of the tensor (must be > 0).
width number Width of the tensor (must be > 0).

Architecture Object

Field Name Type Description
total_nb_parameters integer Toral number of parameters.
estimated_total_size_mb number The equivalent memory size in MB.
type string Type of network (ex: ResNet-18).
summary string Summary of the layers, can be the ouput of print(model).
pretrained string Indicates the source of the pretraining (ex: ImageNet).

Runtime Object

Field Name Type Description
framework string Used framework (ex: PyTorch, TensorFlow).
version string Framework version (some models require a specific version of the framework).
model_handler string Inference execution function.
model_src_url string Url of the source code (ex: GitHub repo).
model_commit_hash string Hash value pointing to a specific version of the code.
docker [Docker Object] Information for the deployment of the model in a docker instance.

Docker Object

Field Name Type Description
docker_file string Url of the Dockerfile.
image_name string Name of the docker image.
tag string Tag of the image.
working_dir string Working directory in the instance that can be mapped.
run string Running command.
gpu boolean True if the docker image requires a GPU.

Outputs Object

Field Name Type Description
task enum Specifies the Machine Learning task as one in the following list: regression, classification, semantic segmentation, object detection, instance segmentation, panoptic Segmentation.
number_of_classes integer Number of classes.
final_layer_size list of integers Size of the output tensor as (NxCxHxW).
class_name_mapping list Mapping of the output index to a short class name, for each record we specify the index and the class name.
dont_care_index integer Some models are using a do not care value which is ignored in the input data. This is an optional parameter.
post_processing_function string Some models are using a complex post-processing that can be specified using a post processing function. The python package should be specified as well as the input and outputs type. For example:my_python_module_name:my_processing_function(Tensor<BxCxHxW>) -> Tensor<Bx1xHxW>

Additional Field Information


This is a much more detailed description of the field template:new_field...

XYZ Object

This is the introduction for the purpose and the content of the XYZ Object...

Field Name Type Description
x number REQUIRED. Describe the required field...
y number REQUIRED. Describe the required field...
z number REQUIRED. Describe the required field...

Relation types

The following types should be used as applicable rel types in the Link Object.

Type Description
fancy-rel-type This link points to a fancy resource.


All contributions are subject to the STAC Specification Code of Conduct. For contributions, please follow the STAC specification contributing guide Instructions for running tests are copied here for convenience.

Running tests

The same checks that run as checks on PR's are part of the repository and can be run locally to verify that changes are valid. To run tests locally, you'll need npm, which is a standard part of any node.js installation.

First you'll need to install everything with npm once. Just navigate to the root of this repository and on your command line run:

npm install

Then to check markdown formatting and test the examples against the JSON schema, you can run:

npm test

This will spit out the same texts that you see online, and you can then go and fix your markdown or examples.

If the tests reveal formatting problems with the examples, you can fix them with:

npm run format-examples


Deep Learning Model STAC Extension







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