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Ensemble learning on an enhanced number of biologically relevant features increases accuracy in liquid-biopsy-derived RNA-Seq data


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ELLBA (Ensemble Learning for Liquid Biopsy Analysis)

Figure S1 GeneralScheme

Liquid biopsy-derived RNA sequencing (lbRNA-seq) holds immense potential for non-invasive cancer diagnostics due to its simplicity and repeatability. However, challenges arise from the lack of standardized protocols and technical variability, hampering clinical integration and leading to issues of reproducibility. To address these hurdles, we introduce a comprehensive workflow with four main objectives:

1) Harnessing the diverse molecular and functional features accessible through lbRNA-seq
2) Implementing an Ensemble Learning framework to exploit the complementary information inherent in different feature types
3) Rigorously benchmarking intra-sample normalization methods for improved clinical relevance
4) Evaluating performance across independent test sets to ensure robust reproducibility. 

Across several datasets spanning various biosources, we observe that the optimal normalization method varies, with the straightforward Counts Per Million method performing comparably to more complex cross-sample methods. Moreover, the inclusion of novel features consistently enhances prediction accuracy beyond models based solely on gene expression. Importantly, our workflow demonstrates robust performance on entirely independent datasets, highlighting its potential for clinical applications. In summary, our approach enhances prediction accuracy and offers a promising avenue for clinical implementation, addressing vital needs in non-invasive cancer diagnostics.


The ELLBA software is available for download and installation as a Docker Image from the Docker Hub. Alternatively, you can proceed with the following instructions:

Getting Started


  • Docker installed on your system.


  1. Pull the Docker Image:

    docker pull ugrbioinfo/ellba
  2. Run the Docker Container:

    docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name ellba ugrbioinfo/ellba
    • -d: Run the container in the background.
    • -p 8080:80: Map port 8080 on your host machine to port 80 in the container.
    • --name ellba: Assign the name 'ellba' to the container.
  3. Access the Container:

    • Once the container is running, access it through your web browser or other client tools, depending on the application.
  4. Stopping and Removing the Container:

    • To stop the running container:

      docker stop ellba
    • To remove the container (after stopping it):

      docker rm ellba

Additional Information

  • For more details about the Docker image and its usage, refer to the documentation provided by the image publisher.


While ELLBA is capable of analyzing any RNA-Seq data, it is specifically tested and optimised for lbRNA-seq data, ensuring robust and accurate results in this particular context. ELLBA operates in two distinct phases. The initial step is dedicated to the analysis of lbRNA-Seq data, involving the extraction of the six primary feature types and conducting data cleaning and normalization processes:

usage: [positional arguments] [optional arguments]

An end-to-end liquid biopsy-derived RNA sequencing (lbRNA-seq) data analysis software.

positional arguments:
  -i raw_data, --inputdata raw_data
                        Path of the directory where the raw fastq or
                        fastq.gz data are residing (e.g /home/user/raw_data)
  -c clinical_data, --clindata clinical_data
                        Path of the clinical data sheet
                        (e.g /home/user/raw_data/clinical_data.txt)
  -ctrl control, --control control
                        In the two-group comparison, which
                        label should be considered as CONTROL
                        (e.g. Healthy)
  -cond condition, --condition condition
                        In the two-group comparison, which
                        label should be considered as CONDITION
                        (e.g. Cancer)
  -pj project, --project project
                        Indicate your project with one word. For example,
                        in a cancer diagnosis project, you can use the
                        cancer type e.g. NSCLC
  -g refgenome, --refgenome refgenome
                        Path of the reference genome in fasta format
                        (preferably from GENCODE)
  -ra refannot, --refannot refannot
                        Path of the reference annotation in gtf format
                        (also preferably from GENCODE)

optional arguments:
  -ad, --autodetectadapter
                        Activate auto-detection of adapter sequences (default True)
  -a , --adapter        Path to adapter sequence (in fasta format) to be trimmed
                        from the input data
  -pd, --phixdecontam   If activated, PhiX contamination will be removed from the
                        input data (default False)
  -p , --phix           PhiX sequence to be removed from the input data
  -l, --low             During gene fusion matrix construction,
                        allow "low" confidence fusions (default False)
  -t , --threads        Number of threads to be used in the analysis
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

During the second step, the software advances to the machine learning analysis phase. This encompasses various tasks such as data pre-processing, feature selection, and ultimately, the execution of ensemble learning techniques:

usage: [positional arguments] [optional arguments]
positional arguments:
  -td trainingdir, --trainingdir trainingdir
                        Path of the directory where the
                        filtered training matrices are stored
                        (e.g /dataset/data_analysis/filtered_matrices)
  -ctrl control, --control control
                        In the two-group comparison, which
                        label should be considered as CONTROL
                        (e.g. Healthy)
  -cond condition, --condition condition
                        In the two-group comparison, which
                        label should be considered as CONDITION
                        (e.g. Cancer)
  -pj project, --project project
                        Indicate your project with one word. For example,
                        in a cancer diagnosis project, you can use the
                        cancer type e.g. NSCLC
  -ra refannot, --refannot refannot
                        Path of the reference annotation in gtf format
                        (also preferably from GENCODE)

optional arguments:
  -vd validationdir, --validationdir validationdir
                        Path of the directory where the filtered
                        external validation matrices are stored
                        (e.g /dataset/validationdata_analysis/filtered_matrices)
  -ro, --removeoutliers
                        Based on the initial exploratory analysis on the data
                        remove detected outlier samples (default False)
  -c cutoff, --cutoff cutoff
                        Minimum cutoff auc value in order for the
                        feature matrix to be utilised in the majority
                        voting classifier (default 0.65)
  -cc crosscut, --crosscut crosscut
                        Crossover cutoff threshold for the ensemble classifier (default 0.5)
  -t , --threads        Number of threads to be used in the analysis (default 5)
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


  1. Before proceeding with any of the following steps, it's essential to obtain all the required reference files and databases crucial for the ELLBA workflow. To accomplish this, navigate to the "references" directory situated within the ELLBA docker's home directory. Inside this directory, you'll find the Python script named "" Execute this script to initiate the download process:
$ cd references
$ python
  1. For user convenience, we offer the option to run a dedicated test set of Circulating Epithelial Cells derived from Bahn et al.. To obtain the required test data, simply navigate to the 'test_data' directory located within the ELLBA docker's home directory and execute the '' script.
$ cd test_data
$ python
  1. To initiate the script, please execute the following command:
$ python -i /test/data/dir -c /test/data/dir/clinical_data.txt -ctrl NonCancer -cond Cancer -pj HCC -g /path/to/reference_genome.fasta -ra /path/to/reference_annotation.gtf
  1. To proceed with the script, please execute the following command:
$ python -td /dataset/data_analysis/filtered_matrices -ctrl NonCancer -cond Cancer -pj HCC -ra /path/to/reference_annotation.gtf


myproject_analysis  # The primary output directory encompassing the ELLBA analysis
├── preprocessed_data  # The directory that holds all preprocessed FASTQ files
│   ├── SRX4472768_CLD.R1.trimmed.fq.gz  # Example of preprocessed fastq file
│   └── ...
├── alignments  # The directory housing the STAR aligner output files
│   ├── SRX4472768_CLD.aligned.genome.bam
│   ├── SRX4472768_CLD.aligned.transcriptome.bam
│   └── ...
├── gene_expression  # Directory containing individual sample gene expression files
│   ├──
│   ├── SRX4472768_CLD.gene-expression.tsv
│   └── ...
├── gene_fusion  # The directory where all detected gene fusions for each sample are stored
│   ├── SRX4472768_CLD.fusion.tsv  # Example of detected gene fusion is sample SRX4472768_CLD
│   └── ...
├── isoform_expression  # Directory containing individual sample files resulting from isoform expression analysis
│   ├── SRX4472768_CLD
│   └── ..
├── FoCT  # Directory hosting Fraction of Canonical Transcript analysis
│   └── abundant_transcripts_db.json
├── rna_editing  # This directory houses both prefiltered and filtered RNA editing events for individual samples
│   ├── SRX4472768_CLD.out.filtered.table.txt
│   ├── SRX4472768_CLD.out.table.txt
│   └── ...
├── snv  # Directory containing variant calling analysis
│   ├── RNAediting_events_to_exclude.tsv  # RNA editing events to be excluded from SNVs
│   ├── SRX4472768_CLD.bcftools.filtered.vcf.gz
│   └── ...
├── filtered_matrices  # The directory where all filtered feature matrices are stored. This directory serves as the input for the classification script.
│   ├── gene_expression_matrix.filtered.scaled.tsv
│   ├── isoform_expression_matrix.filtered.scaled.tsv
│   ├── alternative_isoform_expression_matrix.filtered.tsv
│   ├── gene_fusion_expression_matrix.filtered.tsv
│   ├── RNAediting_expression_matrix.filtered.tsv
│   ├── snp_expression_matrix.genotype.filtered.tsv
│   └── clinical_data.filtered.tsv
│   ├── plots  # Exploratory analysis results and plots
│   │   ├── Fig1.A.gene.pca.unfiltered.condition.jpeg
│   │   ├── Fig1.A.isoform.pca.unfiltered.condition.jpeg
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── prefiltered_matrices  # The directory where all feature matrices  prior to any filtering steps are stored
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
├── classification  # All the machine learning magic resides here
│   ├── metrics_overview.txt  # Overall stats from both training and testing steps
│   ├── selected_features.tsv  # Feature selection output for each feature type
│   ├── individual_features  # Individual feature stats and plots
│   │   ├── gene_expression.ROCplot.png
│   │   ├── gene_expression.ConfusionMatrixPlot.testingset.png
│   │   └── ...
│   └── voting_classification  # Ensemble learning output direcotry
│       ├── gene_expression.PredResults.txt  # Individual feature type stats
│       ├── ...
│       ├── softVoting.TestingSet.results.tsv  # Soft voting stats
│       ├── softVoting.TestingSet.ROCplot.png  # Soft voting ROC plot
│       └── softVoting.TestingSet.ConfusionMatrixPlot.png  # Soft voting Confusion Matrix plot
├── reports  # Analysis and QC reports are stored here
│   ├── preliminary_summarised_report.html  # Initial QC report of the raw data
│   ├── post-alignment_summarised_report.html  # After alignmnet QC report
│   ├── pipeline_reports  # Reports of each analysis step
│   ├── preprocessing_reports
│   ├── alignment_reports
│   ├── gene_fusion_reports
│   └── variant_calling_reports


  • ELLBA software is designed to exclusively accept fastq files as input data for its analysis. It accommodates a range of fastq file formats, including compressed formats such as *.fastq.gz and *.fq.gz, as well as uncompressed formats like *.fastq and *.fq. Ensuring that your input data adheres to one of these supported fastq formats is crucial to ensure smooth and successful processing by the ELLBA software.

  • In the case of paired-end files, it's essential to indicate the read number in both mate file names. Common conventions include using ".R1." and ".R2." in the filenames. These naming patterns help distinguish between the first and second reads in a pair, which is crucial for proper processing and alignment of paired-end sequencing data.

  • Please use file names that do not contain special characters, except for underscores ("_"). For paired-end input raw fastq files, follow a format like "SRX4472768_CLD.R1.fastq.gz" and "SRX4472768_CLD.R2.fastq.gz." For single-end raw fastq files, adopt a format such as "SRX4472768_CLD.fastq.gz." In both cases, "SRX4472768_CLD" should serve as the file name and should be clearly indicated in the clinical_data file.

  • Important Note: If you intend to utilize an external validation set within the script, it's crucial to run the script twice. First, you should execute it using the training set data from the 'raw_data' directory. Afterward, you'll need to run the script once more, this time specifying the validation_set directory as the input directory. Additionally, make sure to use the clinical_data file located within the validation_set directory during this second run.

  • The "filtered_matrices" directory, which is located within the primary analysis output folder generated by the script, serves as the input for the classification script!


Use the GitHub issue tracker to get help or to report bugs.


Our article will be published soon...


Copyright @ 2023 Stavros Giannoukakos

The entire software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
The terms and conditions of both licenses can be found in the LICENSE file.


Ensemble learning on an enhanced number of biologically relevant features increases accuracy in liquid-biopsy-derived RNA-Seq data







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