A modal dialog (cookie banner) and framework to handle the EU law (as written by EuGH, 1.10.2019 – C-673/17) about cookies in a website. Needs Bootstrap 5.
Initialize the cookie consent framework with the constructor
var cookieSettings = new BootstrapCookieConsentSettings(props)
You should configure the framework with the props
object, at least the properties privacyPolicyUrl
, legalNoticeUrl
and contentURL
. The default configuration is
this.props = {
privacyPolicyUrl: undefined, // the URL of your privacy policy page
legalNoticeUrl: undefined, // the URL of you legal notice page (Impressum)
contentURL: "/cookie-consent-content", // this folder must contain the language-files in the needed languages (`[lang].js`)
buttonAgreeClass: "btn btn-primary", // the "Agree to all" buttons class
buttonDontAgreeClass: "btn btn-link text-decoration-none", // the "I do not agree" buttons class
buttonSaveClass: "btn btn-secondary", // the "Save selection" buttons class
autoShowModal: true, // disable autoShowModal on the privacy policy and legal notice pages, to make these pages readable
alsoUseLocalStorage: true, // if true, the settings are stored in localStorage, too
postSelectionCallback: undefined, // callback function, called after the user has saved the settings
lang: navigator.language, // the language, in which the modal is shown
defaultLang: "en", // default language, if `lang` is not available as translation in `cookie-consent-content`
categories: ["necessary", "statistics", "marketing", "personalization"], // the categories for selection, must be contained in the language files
cookieName: "cookie-consent-settings", // the name of the cookie in which the configuration is stored as JSON
cookieStorageDays: 365, // the duration the cookie configuration is stored on the client
modalId: "bootstrapCookieConsentSettingsModal" // the id of the modal dialog element
On a new visit the dialog is shown automatically.
To allow the user a reconfiguration you can show the Dialog again with
Read all cookie settings with
It should return some JSON like
"necessary": true,
"statistics": true,
"marketing": true,
"personalization": true
or undefined
, before the user has chosen his cookie options.
Read a specific cookie setting with
for the statistics
cookie settings. Also returns undefined
, before the user has chosen his cookie options.
You can read the settings with all server languages, you just have to read the cookie cookie-consent-settings
The content of the cookie is encoded like a http query string.
I provide a PHP helper class that you can use to read and write the settings from a PHP backend.
It is located in php/Shaack/BootstrapCookieConsentSettings.php
You can use it as described in the following example.
$cookieSettings = new \Shaack\BootstrapCookieConsentSettings();
// read all settings
$allSettings = $cookieSettings->getSettings();
// read a specific setting
$statisticsAllowed = $cookieSettings->getSetting("statistics");
// write a specific setting
$cookieSettings->setSetting("statistics", false);
You find the language files in ./cookie-consent-content
. You can add here language files or modify the existing. If
you add language files please consider a pull request to also add them in this repository. Thanks.
You can use this banner for your website free of charge under the MIT-License.
The banner and framework was designed in cooperation with data protection officers and lawyers. However, we can not guarantee whether the banner is correct for your website and assume no liability for its use.
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