Azerothcore Edit that show Staff rank in Who List Credits to me [Hypnos] mithras_0 / [Revision - noisiver] Revision#2262 (Help on the script) / [Trojan] Trojan#1312 (Help & Fix on the script) & [Dandi] Dandi#2828 (Help & Fix on the script + Making it to work with the final touch)
Last credits to the old Owner script idea from 2013 "Wise" on TrinityCore
Just Download the "MiscHandler.cpp" & put it in your Source Folder ...src\server\game\Handlers
Copy the Code & replace it at line 398 in "MiscHandler.cpp".*
Remove the line 398 by Pasting the code on it
Line 398 in MiscHandler.cpp
data << target.GetPlayerName(); // player name
Code to Paste On line 398
std::string playerName = ""; //temp storage
//definition of playerName depending on the (player/GM)'s rank
if (target.GetSecurity() >= 1) //if the rank is 1 or above
playerName = "|cffFFFFFF[|r|cffFA8258Staff|cffffffff]|r " + target.GetPlayerName();
playerName = target.GetPlayerName();
//data << target.GetPlayerName(); // player name - commented out to be replaced with the new playerName
data << playerName; //player name - with Staff indicator