- Typescript
- Restful
- GraphQL with custom directives
- Docker architecture
- Container orchestration with docker-compose (at-least)
- node:16 and its npm installer
- User authentication APIs
- File Upload with express-fileupload
- Pre-commit hook to check linting/testing and formatting
- Chai & Mocha used to cover unit/api testing
# Clone
git clone git@github.com:shahanahmed86/ts-app.git && cd ts-app-main
# to initiate the server run
node setup
# flags
--yes || -Y # to skip question and go with default options
--force-reinstall || -F # to reinstall
# make a docker image, you can call multiple make script like this
make create-web-image create-mysql-image create-server-image
# to rebuild the image
make run-dev-up-rebuild
# development mode
npm run dev:up # start
npm run dev:down # end
npm run down:dev_hard # end with clearing data from the database
# production mode
make run-prod-up # start
make run-prod-down # end
# execute bash inside of the container
docker exec -it <container_name> bash
# migrations can only run in development environment
# because start script has a pre script that run migration for it
# copy the DATABASE_URL from your secrets or .env file and
# paste the url and replace the @<host> with @localhost
# for example:
DATABASE_URL="mysql://root:prisma@localhost:3306/mydb" npm run db:deploy
# or replace the run-migration value in the Makefile like above and run
make run-migration
# to run test cases while development run like:
DATABASE_URL="mysql://root:prisma@localhost:3306/mydb" npm run --ignore-scripts exec-tests
# or replace the run-test value in the Makefile like above and run
make run-test
# execute bash inside of the container
docker exec -it <container_name> bash
# execute open mysql
docker exec -it <container_name> mysql -u<user> -p<password> -h<host> <name>
# <name> is the database name
# flags
-it # for interactive
-u # for username
-p # for password
-h # for host
git commit -m "message" --no-verify
# flags
--no-verify # it will not call pre-hook of commit where tests/linting will execute
# to reload nginx run this command
docker exec <container_name> nginx -s reload
curl localhost/graphql -X POST \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"query":"mutation Mutation($username: String!, $password: String!) { data: adminLogin(username: $username, password: $password) { token } }","variables":"{\"username\":\"shahan\",\"password\":\"123Abc456\"}"}' | json_pp
# ec2 or any other instance of linux
echo "Host ssh-app
StrictHostKeyChecking no
Hostname <ip>
User <user>
IdentityFile <path/to/file.pem>\n" >> ~/.ssh/config
# to ssh into the server, run this in your terminal
ssh ssh-app
# you can make an alias in your bashrc or zshrc file or create
# the script in the Makefile
# make short aliases to run bigger commands
alias ssh_deploy_server_prod="scp path/to/image.tar ssh-app:file.ext && ssh ssh-app 'cd path/to/project && git pull && make run-prod-up'"
# Now only need to know is to run the aliases which you've created.
NOTE: in order to avoid password/token prompt on git pull command you need to add ssh id_rsa.pub key to your github authorized SSH Keys