open source platform defining cool behaviors via shell command.
The idea:
user is accessing the ScriptEverything platform (hotkey - shift+s+e): convert_func(format=mp3 output=C:/temp)
shell is open. code is taken from the url and being executed: shell: 'function_foo' is starting. convering video to format 'mp3'
file saved
- In the platform we can define any behavior that we want (in function form) and execute it easily.
How to use: simply run the listener (soon it will be executable). type the hotkey (shift+s+e) and it open terminal. you can type 'SE_help()' to see al the functions writtn so far and the documantaions. run any function that you want (i.e 'work()' fonction opens all the urls related to your work) write new cool functions and add to the open source project - try to stick with the format.
Thanks :)