Campus TLV
98 Yigal Alon st.
Floor 34rd (Electra Tower)
Tel-Aviv (map)
Developing apps that integrate with git providers (GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab) require separate integration with each one.
One API to rule them all. One npm package that generalizes integration with git providers. We can't get fully compatible with neither service. Let's get 80% compatible with all.
- Create the basic package
- Implement at least one usecase (e.g. getUserRepos)
- Build a demo app that uses the package and demonstrate how it works against Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab without changing a sinle line of code (only configuration)
- getUserRepos - get a list of repositories of a certain user
- getUserCommits - get a list of commits that a certain user perform on all the repos
- getUserCommitsCount - get a number of commits that a certain user perform on all the repos