gpPanel is chart libary for wxWidget. It inheritance from wxPanel and use modified wxMathPlot library at chart engine. Flexible to use and easy to implement new gpLayers from examples.
Because video explain more than thousand words, there it is: []
Inheritance to wxPanel
chart engine is modified wxMathPlot
Added: * point layer
- Find nearest chart coordinates from mouse
- wxCommandEvent to main application when mouse moved (when point layer visibled)
- various point shapes
shape size is modifable - point position can set by main application
- If modifications enabled, point position follows the chart
- Point Name shown/hide * mpFXYCandleStick * mpXYBar & mpFYXBar -bar chart layer
- customizable LSB, defaulty LSB = 1
- labels (bar value / custom) * note layer with multiline support, also in msWindows * Mouse zoom only X-axis (middle mouse button zoom always in x-axis) * Possible to change layers draw order * Zooming boundarys * Markers for chart curves * ..more is coming...
gpLayer contains a number of (wxMathPlot)mpLayers
Integrated menu support
Integrated Chart tips
Integrated math library for:
graph means: * Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic, Quadratic, Midrange, Standard deviation, Average absolute deviation mean, Average absolute deviation median, Median, min / max.
{{{ double aritMean = graphLayer->getArithmeticMean(); }}} -
multiple charts to one gpPanel
every gpLayer features: * hide/show by gpPanel * Popup menus for:
- X and Y -axis
- Scale select ( also custom formula)
- chart
- File
- Export image / cvs ascii-table
- print, print preview
- Chart
- Default
- Accumulation
- Custom ( Y(X)= ..)
- Edit
- Lock
- Grid on/off
- Corner markers on/off
- Enable tooltips
- Center, Zoomin/out,
- Lock aspect
Easy to use for everyone (If you know how use wxPanel, you know how to use gpPanel ;).
- menu items for each of gpLayers:
- Show/Hide
..wxWindow source...
//init gpPanel
gpPanel* graphPanel = new gpPanel(parentWindow,wxNewId(),wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(240,336));
//create new line layer
gpLineLayer* lineLayer = new gpLineLayer(_("Line"), _("x-label"), _("y-label"));
// Create a data series
gpSeries* series1 = lineLayer->AddSeriesLayer("Random");
//Push data to gpLayer
for(int i=0;i<12;i++)
series1->DataPush( i, (rand()+1)%1024);
//add gpLayer to gpPanel
graphPanel->AddLayer( lineLayer, 0 );