sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
add repo
sudo dnf config-manager \ --add-repo \
install docker
sudo dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
start docker service
sudo systemctl start docker
verify installation
docker run hello-world
run following command if getting permission denied for "docker run hello-world"
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
- refer this doc
create the Docker file to build jenkins container with docker installed and blue ocean plugin
FROM jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11 USER root RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https \ ca-certificates curl gnupg2 \ software-properties-common RUN curl -fsSL | apt-key add - RUN apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88 RUN add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] \ $(lsb_release -cs) stable" RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y docker-ce-cli RUN groupadd docker RUN usermod -aG docker jenkins USER jenkins RUN jenkins-plugin-cli --plugins "blueocean:1.24.6 docker-workflow:1.26"
docker-compose.yml file to build the dockerized jenkins contianer with docker and blueocean plugin
version: '3.8' networks: jenkins-network: name: jenkins volumes: data: name: jenkins-data certs: name: jenkins-docker-certs services: dind: container_name: jenkins-docker image: docker:dind privileged: true restart: unless-stopped networks: jenkins-network: aliases: - docker ports: - 3000:3000 volumes: - data:/var/jenkins_home - certs:/certs/client environment: - DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR=/certs jenkins: container_name: jenkins image: jenkins-ansible build: context: jenkins-ansible #this is the path to the directory where I have my Dockerfile stored restart: unless-stopped networks: - jenkins-network ports: - '8080:8080' - '50000:50000' - '3000:3000' volumes: - data:/var/jenkins_home - certs:/certs/client:ro environment: - DOCKER_HOST=tcp://docker:2376 - DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/certs/client - DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1
run the "docker-compose build" commmand to build the images and then "docker-compose up -d" to bring up the containers
execute "docker ps" to get the list of srunning containers
to verify if the docker is runnnig inside the container , execute "docker exec -it <container_name> bash" to get inside the container shell and execute "docker run hello-world" . If the command is a success then docker daemon is running.
create a pipeline project , dashboard -> newitem -> <your_peipeline_name> -> select pipeline from the list -> click OK
configure the pipeline as shown below, provide the url of the repository for which you want to automate , also mkae sure you have the Jenkinsfile present in the repository to finish the build with success, otherwise create a new Jenkinsfile and commit to the repository
save the pipeline config and click build now to trigger the pipeline, can also set build triggers using github webhooks and SCM polling which will trigger the pipeline if there's any change detected in the repository . I forked this repo for testing purpose, simple-node-js-react-npm-app
refer this repo for Jenkinsfile used for simple nodejs and react app ,
Once the pipeline is triggered you can view the output as hown below
You can also view the console output as shown below
Or you can aslo view the pipeline with blueocean plugin as well if installed
create a directory jenkins-ansible inside jenkns-data and create a Dockerfile inside jenkins-ansible
Dockerfile for jenkins container with ansible installed, need root permissions to install ansible hence we used "USER root" inside docker file and then executed the apt-get update and install ansible command and switched back to USER jenkins
FROM jenkins/jenkins USER root RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install ansible USER jenkins
docker-compose file to spin up docker container with jenkins and ansible, volumes section specify that all the data that you have inside jenkins_home directory on your local machine will be reflected in the /var/jenkins_home directory inside the jenkins docker container
#docker compose file to spin a jenkins container only version: '3' services: jenkins: container_name: jenkins image: jenkins-ansible build: context: jenkins-ansible ports: - "8080:8080" #container port 8080 will be forwarded to the localhost port 8080, localhost_port:container_port volumes: - $PWD/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home networks: - net networks: net:
create a directory jenkins-data where we will store all the jenkins related files
mkdir jenkins-data
create docker-comapose.yml file to build up jenkins container
#docker compose file to spin a jenkins container only version: '3' services: jenkins: container_name: jenkins image: jenkins/jenkins ports: - "8080:8080" volumes: - $PWD/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home networks: - net networks: net:
execute "docker-compose build" to build the container and "docker-compose up -d" to start the container
verify docker containers running, "docker ps" command lists all the docker containers running
login to the container shell , "docker exec -it jenkins bash" command will ley you acces the shell inside the container, type "exit" to come out
access jenkins UI at http://localhost:8080 , setup the jenkins admin as prompted by the jenkins UI
install suggested plugins
install the Mailer Plugin if not already installed, go to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> type mailer in search bar under available plugin, if not found then check in installed plugins
follow these steps to allow gmail to send emails
1. sing-in to gmail account >> navigate to settings >> privacy and security settings 2. setup two step verification settings (because without two step verification we cannot generate application specific password) 3. after setting up two step verification setting in gmail account navigate back to security and privacy settings 4. click on application specific password >> give the name of the application in the drop down as Jenkins (google by default does not have any specific application password setting for Jenkins) >> this will generate password note down the password generated
after installing the plugin go to Manage Jenkins -> configure System -> Email Notification , configure as shown in following screen
after login to jenkins go to , dashboard -> new item -> enter the job name -> freestyle project -> click OK to save
now you'll be redirected to the configure screen
execute bash scripts with parameters from jenkins
create bash script in local machine
copy the script to docker container , container_name:file location wher you want to copy, sample file is provided in the repository
docker cp jenkins:/tmp/
add prameters as shown in the following screen, I selected the choice(list) parameter and string parameter
choice(list) parameter
string parameter, can set default value for this
add the shell script in the build step
Note: if jenkins user doesn't have permissions to execute scripts then grant required permissions using chmod command