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fetch-receipt-processor challenge

Index of Contents Technical Details Technologies Used Instructions for Running and Building the Project

Technical Details:

Project Name: fetch-receipt-processor Project Version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT Framework: Spring Boot Database: H2 (in-memory database) Testing: JUnit 5, Pact JVM Description: Java Version: 17

Technologies Used:

Spring Boot: It is the main framework used for developing the application.

Spring Boot Starter Parent: It provides the parent configuration for the Spring Boot project.

Spring Boot Starter Data JPA: It enables the use of Java Persistence API (JPA) for data access and object-relational mapping.

Spring Boot Starter Web: It provides the necessary dependencies to build web applications with Spring MVC.

Spring Boot DevTools: It offers development-time features like automatic application restart and live reload.

H2 Database: It is an in-memory database used for development and testing purposes.

Project Lombok: It is a library that simplifies the development process by automatically generating boilerplate code such as getters, setters, constructors, etc.

Spring Boot Starter Test: It provides testing dependencies and utilities for writing unit and integration tests.

Pact JVM Provider JUnit 5 Spring: It is a library for creating consumer-driven contracts and testing interactions between providers and consumers in distributed systems.

Instructions for Running and Building the Project

Running Application in Docker

This guide explains how to run the application inside a Docker container using a Docker Compose file.


Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

-> Docker: Follow the official Docker installation guide for your operating system.


  1. Clone the repository - git clone

  2. Navigate to the project directory - fetch-receipt-processor., use command -> cmd - cd <project_directory>

  3. Make sure you have Docker applictaion running

  4. using the command ./mvnw.cmd clean package to build the jar file

  5. Build the Docker image - docker-compose up --build

    NOTE:_ Please make sure No service is running on port 8080. _

Running the Application

  1. Start the application using Docker Compose docker-compose up This command will start the application container along with any necessary dependencies defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

  2. Access the application

Open your Postman and visit

POST - http://localhost:8080/receipt/process

GET - http://localhost:8080/receipt/{id}/points

stop the application and the associated containers, use the following command docker-compose down