richeditor-android -RichEditor for Android is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Android (star数最高)
XRichText -功能少,支持图文混排,插入和删除图片,重在体验好
RichTextEditor -功能齐全,支持图片,但体验不是很好
richtext -因使用Eclipse开发,未体验
android-animate-RichEditor -未体验,看README感觉不错
HRichEditor -跟作者交流的过程中得知,此开源项目已使用在商业项目中,想法新颖
SortRichEditor -看README感觉不错,后面体验了再补上
AndroidRichText -未体验
RichEditTextPro -未体验
XCRichEditor -未体验
RichText -Android富文本解析器 RichTextView for Android.it can hold click events,load pictures from network by a simple way
RichText -Android平台下的富文本解析器,支持Html和Markdown
RichTextDemo -富文本的使用和进阶
RichEditorView-ios -RichEditorView is a simple, modular, drop-in UIView subclass for Rich Text Editing
ZSSRichTextEditor-ios -A beautiful rich text WYSIWYG editor for iOS with a syntax highlighted source view
SJTextViewDemo-ios -基于UITextView富文本编辑与展示(仿简书)
MRichEditor -A rich text editor sample (based on summernote),使用体验较好
RTextEditorView -A simple WYSIWYG editor for Android,使用体验较好
AnkiEditor -An advanced note editor plug-in for AnkiDroid (work-in-progress ⛏️)
AnimRichEditor -rich text editor which enables users to insert/delete bitmaps and text into edit-view with animations
RichEditor -类似新浪微博的EditText,可@某人,#插入话题,表情等
are -Android Rich Text Editor 富文本编辑器 图文混排
Knife -Knife is a rich text editor component for writing documents in Android
Android-RTEditor -The Android RTEditor is a rich text editor component for Android that can be used as a drop in for EditText
KRichEditor -A rich text editor (based on QuillJs and MRichTextEditor) ported to Kotlin,使用体验:UI效果及实际体验都不错
Knife -Knife is a rich text editor component for writing documents in Android.
RichEditor -基于RecyclerView实现的富文本编辑器,支持多样式,链接,引用,图片等功能
AztecEditor-Android -A reusable native Android rich text editor component.
YCCustomText -自定义文本控件,支持富文本,包含两种状态:编辑状态和预览状态。编辑状态中,可以对插入本地或者网络图片,可以同时插入多张有序图片和删除图片,支持图文混排,并且可以对文字内容简单操作加粗字体,设置字体下划线,支持设置文字超链接(超链接支持跳转),功能正在开发中和完善中……
RichEditor -基于原生EditText+span实现的Android富文本编辑器
RichEditor -知乎 有道云笔记 编辑 均可实现 The method adopted in this project is to put static web pages into the project, call various rich text editing functions of HTML through interaction between WebView JS and html, and add some detail requirements optimization to provide certain extensibility.(Ps看这介绍挺厉害的,我明天试试)
RichTextEditor -Rich text WYSIWYG editor for Android and JavaFX
RichEditotAndroid -WebView + JavaScript 方式的实现一个android富文本编辑器
RichEditTextCopyToutiao -android高仿今日头条富文本编辑
sora-editor -A cool code editor library on Android with syntax-highlighting and auto-completion. (aka CodeEditor)
- RZRichTextView -iOS 原生UITextView 富文本编辑器