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A cross-document event and entity coreference resolution system, trained and evaluated on the ECB+ corpus.

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Revisiting Joint Modeling of Cross-document Entity and Event Coreference Resolution


This code was used in the paper:

"Revisiting Joint Modeling of Cross-document Entity and Event Coreference Resolution"
Shany Barhom, Vered Shwartz, Alon Eirew, Michael Bugert, Nils Reimers and Ido Dagan. ACL 2019.

A neural model implemented in PyTorch for resolving cross-document entity and event coreference. The model was trained and evaluated on the ECB+ corpus.


  • Python 3.6
  • PyTorch 0.4.0
    • We specifically used PyTorch 0.4.0 with CUDA 9.0 on Linux, which can be installed using the command: pip install
  • spaCy 2.0.18
    • Install the spacy en model with python -m spacy download en
  • Matplotlib 3.0.2
  • NumPy 1.16.1
  • NLTK 3.4
  • scikit-learn 0.20.2
  • SciPy 1.2.1
  • seaborn 0.9.0
  • AllenNLP 0.5.1

Testing Instructions

  • Download pretrained event and entity models and pre-processed data for the ECB+ corpus at
    • Configure the model and test set paths in the configuration file test_config.json accordingly.
  • Run the script with the command: python src/all_models/ --config_path test_config.json --out_dir <output_directory>


  • config_path - a path to a JSON file holds the test configuration (test_config.json). An explanation about this configuration file is provided in
  • out_dir - an output directory.

Main output:

  • Two response (aka system prediction) files:
    • CD_test_entity_mention_based.response_conll - cross-document entity coreference results in CoNLL format.
    • CD_test_event_mention_based.response_conll - cross-document event coreference results in CoNLL format.
  • conll_f1_scores.txt - A text file contains the CoNLL coreference scorer's output (F1 score).

Note - the script's configuration file (test_config.json) also requires:

  • An output file of a within-document entity coreference system on the ECB+ corpus (provided in this repo at data/external/stanford_neural_wd_entity_coref_out/ecb_wd_coref.json)
  • An output file of the document clustering algorithm that has been used in the paper (provided in this repo at data/external/document_clustering/predicted_topics)

Training Instructions

  • Download the pre-processed data for the ECB+ corpus at
    • Alternatively, you can create the data from scratch by following the instructions below.
  • Download GloVe embeddings from (we used glove.6B.300d).
  • Configure paths in the configuration file train_config.json (see details at
  • Run the script with the command: python src/all_models/ --config_path train_config.json --out_dir <output_directory>


  • config_path - a path to a JSON file holds the training configuration (train_config.json). An explanation about this configuration file is provided in
  • out_dir - an output directory.

Main Output:

  • Two trained models that are saved to the files:
    • cd_event_best_model - the event model that got the highest B-cubed F1 score on the dev set.
    • cd_entity_best_model - the entity model that got the highest B-cubed F1 score on the dev set.
  • summery.txt - a summary of the training.

Note - the script's configuration file (train_config.json) also requires:

  • An output file of a within-document entity coreference system on the ECB+ corpus (provided in this repo at data/external/stanford_neural_wd_entity_coref_out)

Creating Data from Scratch

This repository provides pre-processed data for the ECB+ corpus (download from In case you want to create the data from scratch, do the following steps:

Download ELMo's files (options file and weights) from (we used Original 5.5B model files).

Loading the ECB+ corpus

Extract the gold mentions and documents from the ECB+ corpus: python src/data/ --ecb_path <ecb_path> --output_dir <output_directory> --data_setup 2 --selected_sentences_file data/raw/ECBplus_coreference_sentences.csv


  • ecb_path - a directory contains the ECB+ documents (can be downloaded from
  • output_dir - output directory.
  • data_setup - enter '2' to load the ECB+ data in the same evaluation setup as used in our experiments (see the setup description in the paper).
  • selected_sentences_file - path to a CSV file contains the selected sentences.

Output: The script saves for each data split (train/dev/test):

  • A json file contains its mention objects.
  • A text file contains its sentences.

Feature extraction

Run the feature extraction script, which extracts predicate-argument structures, mention head and ELMo embeddings, for each mention in each split (train/dev/test): python src/features/ --config_path build_features_config.json --output_path <output_path>


  • config_path - a path to a JSON file holds the feature extraction configuration (build_features_config.json). An explanation about this configuration file is provided in
  • output_path - a path to the output directory.

Output: This script saves 3 pickle files, each contains a Corpus object representing each split:

  • train_data - the training data, used as an input to the script
  • dev_data - the dev data, used as an input to the script
  • test_data - the test data, used as an input to the script

Note - the script's configuration file also requires:

  • The output files of the script (JSON and text files).
  • Output files of SwiRL SRL system on the ECB+ corpus (provided in this repo at data/external/swirl_output).

Contact info

Contact Shany Barhom at for questions about this repository.


A cross-document event and entity coreference resolution system, trained and evaluated on the ECB+ corpus.






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