A React Hook that extracts query params from a URL query string and returns a queried object.
npm install use-query-param
import { useQueryParam, getQueryParams, setQueryParams } from 'use-query-param';
import { useQueryParam } from 'use-query-param';
const { useQueryParam } = require('use-query-param');
Without an argument
import { useEffect } from 'react';
const Component = () => {
const { queryParams } = useQueryParam(); // <== HOOK
useEffect(() => {
// result will be an object of query params
}, [queryParams])
With an argument
import { useEffect } from 'react';
const Component = () => {
const queryString = 'http://localhost?typescript=true&hook=true';
const { queryParams } = useQueryParam(queryString);
useEffect(() => {
// Output: { typescript: 'true', hook: 'true' }
}, [queryParams]);
The getQueryParams takes a string and returns an object
import { getQueryParams } from 'use-query-param';
const { getQueryParams } = require('use-query-param');
Without an argument
const { queryParams } = getQueryParams(); // <== This is not a hook
If a URL query string exist on the browser address bar you will get an output with all the query params OR an empty object
// Output: { token: 'jdkjada9s7d9akadbjkss893asda89' }
// Output: {} => Empty object
With an argument
const queryString = '?typescript=true&hook=true';
const { queryParams } = getQueryParams(queryString); // <== This is not a hook
// Output: { typescript: 'true', hook: 'true' }
The setQueryParams takes an object and returns a query formatted string
import { setQueryParams } from 'use-query-param';
const { setQueryParams } = require('use-query-param');
Without an argument
const { queryString } = setQueryParams(); // <== This is not a hook
// Output: '?token='jdkjada9s7d9akad....'
With an argument
const queryObject = { typescript: 'true', hook: 'true' };
const { queryString } = getQueryParams(queryString); // <== This is not a hook
// '?typescript=true&hook=true'
Note that the getQueryParams and setQueryParams are not hooks, rather they are auxiliary functions