This project contains a vulnerable version of a Hospital Management System (HMS) that is susceptible to SQL Injection (CVE-2023-7172). SQL Injection is a critical web application vulnerability that can have severe impacts on the security and functionality of a system.
- CVE ID: CVE-2023-7172
- Vulnerability Type: SQL Injection
- Affected Component: Admin login page
- Vulnerable Parameter: username
- Ventor Details:
- Vulnerable Version: Hospital Management System 1.0
git clone
cd CVE-2023-7172
docker-compose up -d
Open a web browser and navigate to the admin login page, typically located at http://localhost:8080/hms/admin/
In the "Username" field, input the following:
admin' -- -
Fill in the "Password" field with any value (it doesn't matter in this case).
Click the "Log In" button to attempt to log in using the modified username.
If the application successfully logs you into the admin dashboard without requiring the correct password, it indicates that a SQL Injection vulnerability is likely present.
SQL Injection is a critical web application vulnerability that can have severe and wide-ranging impacts on the security and functionality of a system. Here are the key potential impacts of a successful SQL Injection attack:
- Unauthorized Data Access
- Data Exfiltration
- Data Manipulation
- Account Takeover
- System Compromise
- Application Disruption
- Legal and Compliance Consequences
- Reputation Damage
- Financial Loss
To mitigate the SQL Injection vulnerability, consider implementing the following best practices:
- Parameterized Statements (Prepared Statements)
- Stored Procedures
- Input Validation
- Whitelisting
- Escaping User Inputs
This project is intentionally vulnerable and should only be used for educational and testing purposes. Do not deploy this in a production environment.