Note that this repository is always updated according to the beta openSPOT3 firmware releases.
The API uses HTTP and WebSocket interfaces.
To use the API you have to acquire a JWT (JSON Web Token) from the device by completing the login process (see below). The acquired JWT stays valid for 1 day after the last valid HTTP request.
The acquired JWT can be used to open a WebSocket connection. This connection can be used for further API communication.
- Request a token with a HTTP GET from http://openspot3.local/gettok.
- Concatenate the token and the password string.
- Hash this using SHA256 to get the digest.
- HTTP POST the token and the digest to http://openspot3.local/login which will respond with a JWT.
Example login process with example JSON queries:
HTTP GET http://openspot3.local/gettok Response:
{ "token": "1f9a8b7c" }
Our password is "passw0rd". So we concatenate the token and the password, and hash it:
This gives us the digest "2c476e1191ac5d38f72d9b00aca1c1a64aebe991de8c2c4806e413016844e6be" This digest have to be lowercase only.
Now we HTTP POST http://openspot3.local/login this JSON:
{ "token": "1f9a8b7c", "digest": "2c476e1191ac5d38f72d9b00aca1c1a64aebe991de8c2c4806e413016844e6be" }
The response will be:
{ "hostname": "openspot3", "jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJkMjljODQwZSJ9.r3Oom8qVEAd1ceMMWibrMNsgu0DPgz-IG13MAzB-o5s" }
If the password in the digest is not matching, openSPOT3 will respond with a 401 Unauthorized header.
Now we are logged in and can open a WebSocket connection with the acquired JWT.
Use the WebSocket URL ws://openspot3.local/JWT to open the connection. Replace JWT with the previously acquired JWT. The WebSocket protocol name is openspot3.
JavaScript example:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://openspot3.local/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJkMjljODQwZSJ9.r3Oom8qVEAd1ceMMWibrMNsgu0DPgz-IG13MAzB-o5s", "openspot3");
If the supplied JWT is not valid, openSPOT3 responds with 401 Unauthorized HTTP header.
The HTTP API interfaces can be used for acquiring a valid JWT so a WebSocket connection can be opened for further WebSocket API usage.
Doesn't take any request parameters. Returns the session token, which is a hexadecimal representation (8 ASCII characters) of an unsigned 32-bit integer.
"token": "1f9a8b7c"
Checks the validity of the supplied JWT in the Authorization: Bearer field in of the HTTP request header. success is 1 if it's valid. nopass is 1 if the openSPOT3 has no password set. dark_mode is 1 if the web interface should set the dark theme. ap_mode is 1 when openSPOT3 is in Wi-Fi access point mode. init_ran is set to 1 if the initial setup has been completed at least once in the past.
"success": 1,
"nopass": 0,
"dark_mode": 0,
"hostname": "openspot3",
"ip_address": "",
"ap_mode": 0,
"init_ran": 1
Logs in the user if the given token and digest is valid. Returns the openSPOT3's hostname and the JWT.
"token": "1f9a8b7c",
"digest": "2c476e1191ac5d38f72d9b00aca1c1a64aebe991de8c2c4806e413016844e6be"
"hostname": "openspot3",
"jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJkMjljODQwZSJ9.r3Oom8qVEAd1ceMMWibrMNsgu0DPgz-IG13MAzB-o5s"
Starts the SharkRF Network login process. The browser will be redirected to the SharkRF Network login page. After a successful login the openSPOT3 will be authorized on the network so it can access various network resources.
Returns basic information about the device.
"product": "SRF-OSB-1.0",
"hostname": "openspot3",
"uid": "ab12cd34"
All WebSocket API interface request messages are JSON objects sent as WebSocket text messages in the following JSON structure:
"type": "...",
"cgi": "...",
"id": 0,
"data": "..."
type specifies the WebSocket API request type. It can be "get" or "post". cgi is the name of the WebSocket API interface which will receive the request. id is a 16-bit unsigned integer. The response's id field will be set to this value so request-response pairs can be identified. data is the request JSON object (stringified) which will be passed to the WebSocket API interface.
Here's an example message to the openSPOT3 which sets the active connector to the Homebrew connector.
"type": "post",
"cgi": "connector",
"id": 65101,
"data": "{\"connector\":2}"
Responses for WebSocket API interface requests sent to the openSPOT3 with type "get" or "post" are sent with message type resp by the device. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "resp",
"cgi": "connector",
"id": 65101,
"resp": {"connector":2},
"code": 200
cgi is the name of the WebSocket API interface which is sending the response. id is the same 16-bit unsigned integer which is was set in the request. resp is the response JSON object from the WebSocket API interface. code is the HTTP response code from the WebSocket API interface.
Note that the response JSON object is NOT stringified.
openSPOT3 sends push messages without a request from the API client. These are in the following JSON format:
"type": "...",
Only the type field is fixed and all other fields are based on it's value.
Each log line is sent as a separate message with type set to log. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "log",
"ts": 1519996555,
"log": "nvmm: downloading verinfo"
ts is the UNIX timestamp for the log line. log is the text for the log line.
Source and destination callsign database (CSD) data message is sent when a call is started or ended and there's info about the source/destination station available in the device's database. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "csd",
"dmrids": [2161005,2161028],
"dmrtgids": [],
"nxdnids": [61005],
"callsign": "HA2NON",
"name": "Norbert",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"country": "hu"
ts is the UNIX timestamp for the log line. log is the text for the log line.
Each call log entry is sent as a separate message with type set to calllog. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "calllog",
"id": "cafecafebeefbeef",
"ts": 1519996555,
"dst": "CQCQCQ",
"src": "HA2NON",
"entrytype": 4097,
"duration": 5,
"ber": 0,
"loss": -1,
"rssi": -52
ts is the UNIX timestamp for the call entry. id is the call ID. dst is the destination callsign (or ID as a string). src is the source callsign (or ID as a string). entrytype is a 16-bit value, the meaning of the bits:
- 0th bit (LSB): 0 - voice call, 1 - data call
- 1st bit: 0 - call from net, 1 - call from modem/openSPOT3
- 2nd bit: 0 - group call, 1 - private call
- 3rd bit: 0 - call end, 1 - call start
- 4th bit: 1 - call started with late entry
- 5th bit: 1 - call ended with timeout
- 6th bit: 0 - TS1, 1 - TS2
- 7th bit: 1 - voice announcement
- 8th bit: 1 - echo reply
- 9th bit: 1 - C4FM DN (VD) mode 1, 0 - C4FM DN (VD) mode 2
- 10th bit: 1 - C4FM voice wide or WiresX call, 0 - C4FM digital narrow mode
- 11th bit: 1 - DMR call
- 12th bit: 1 - C4FM call
- 13th bit: 1 - DSTAR call
- 14th bit: 1 - NXDN call
- 15th bit: 1 - P25 call
- 16th bit: 1 - POCSAG call
- 17th bit: 1 - Muted call
Other bits are currently unused.
duration is the call duration in seconds (float value). ber is the BER in percent (float value). It's -1 if the value is not available. loss is packet loss in the received network stream in percent (float value). It's -1 if the value is not available. rssi is the average of the received signal strength in dBm. It's 0 if the value is not available.
The destination callsign of DMR calls can contain 2 DMR IDs separated by a / character if the call has been rerouted. In this case the first DMR ID is the rerouted DMR ID, and the second is the original destination ID.
The destination callsign of C4FM calls contains the callsign and the DGID separated by a / character.
openSPOT3 sends this message during a call. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "callupdate",
"id": "cafecafebeefbeef",
"bit_errors": 2,
"lost": 0,
"rssi": -67
id is the call ID. bit_errors is the average bit errors since the last callupdate message. lost is the lost packets in this call since the last callupdate message. Note that this is 0 for calls coming from the modem. rssi is the average RSSI in dBm for this call since the last callupdate message. Note that this is 0 for calls coming from the network.
A decoded D-STAR message is sent with this type. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "dstarmsg",
"id": "cafecafebeefbeef",
"ts": 1519996555,
"msg": "BEER"
id is the call ID. ts is the UNIX timestamp for the decoded D-STAR message. msg contains the decoded D-STAR message.
A decoded DMR talker alias is sent with this type. The JSON is the following:
"type": "ta",
"id": "cafecafebeefbeef",
"ts": 1519996555,
"ta": "HA2NON Norbert"
id is the call ID. ts is the UNIX timestamp for the decoded D-STAR message. msg contains the decoded talker alias.
openSPOT3 closes the WebSocket connection with reason code 4000 if the connection is used from another location.
openSPOT3 sends this message if the device's state changes. It is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened.
The JSON is the following:
"type": "state",
"state": 16
status can be:
- 1: Hardware error
- 2: Modem transmitting
- 3: Modem transmitting CWID
- 4: Modem can't transmit because BCLO is active
- 5: Modem receiving
- 9: AP mode on, client connected
- 11: No internet connection
- 14: Special connector is active (ex. Null, AutoCal etc.)
- 15: Connector connecting
- 16: Connector connected
- 17: Modem ignoring receive
openSPOT3 sends this message if the device's battery state changes. It is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened.
The JSON is the following:
"type": "batt",
"state": 1,
"percent": 100,
"mv": 4000,
"temp": 30,
"remaining_min": 0,
"long_life_mode": 0
state can be:
- 0: Battery ready (discharging)
- 1: Charger detect ongoing
- 2: Slow charging
- 3: Normal charging
- 4: Fast charging
- 5: Charge done
- 6: Battery charge fault
- 7: Battery charge fault, VBUS overvoltage protection
- 8: Battery charge fault, poor input
- 9: Battery charge fault, output overvoltage protection
- 10: Battery charge fault, thermal shutdown
- 11: Battery charge fault, no battery
- 12: Battery charge fault, battery overheat
- 13: Battery fault
- 14: Battery charge fault, battery freezing
temp is in degrees Celsius. mv is the battery voltage in millivolts.
openSPOT3 sends this message if the modem mode changes. It is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened.
The JSON is the following:
"type": "modemmode",
"mode": 1
mode is the active modem mode value. See the modemmode WebSocket API interface for available modem_mode values.
openSPOT3 sends this message if the connector changes. It is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened.
The JSON is the following:
"type": "connector",
"id": 1
id is the active connector ID value. See the connector WebSocket API interface for available id values.
openSPOT3 sends this message if there's a change in the firmware/data upgrade status. It is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened.
The JSON is the following:
"type": "fwustate",
"state": 0,
"progress": 0,
"retryinsecs": 0,
"rebootat": 0,
"dlname": "",
fwustate is the state of the firmware upgrade process. Possible values are:
- 0: External flash memory not found.
- 1: Idle.
- 2: Checking for newer firmware versions.
- 3: Retrying firmware version check. In this case, retryinsecs shows seconds until the retry starts.
- 4: No newer firmware upgrade file found than the currently running version.
- 5: Firmware upgrade is available.
- 6: Data upgrade is available.
- 7: Firmware and data upgrades are available.
- 8: Preparing downloading of the upgrade.
- 9: Downloading upgrade file indicated in dlname. In this case, progress shows the progress percent.
- 10: Firmware upgrade reboot to bootloader scheduled for the UNIX timestamp in rebootat.
- 11: Firmware upgrade reboot to bootloader scheduled for the UNIX timestamp in rebootat, this timestamp has been passed, but we are waiting for the RX/TX delay because of a recent transmission.
- 12: Downloading authentication token.
- 13: Verifying stored data. In this case, progress shows the progress percent.
- 14: External flash memory bulk erase in progress.
openSPOT3 sends this message if there's new firmware upgrade version info is available. It is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened.
The JSON is the following:
"type": "fwuinfo",
"parts": [{"name": "FRW", "stage": "stable", "size": 12345, "version": 1},
{"name": "CSD", "stage": "stable", "size": 12345, "version": "201807201842"]
Each part which has a new version available is listed in parts.
openSPOT3 sends this message if it completes an AP client info query in access point mode.
The JSON is the following:
"type": "apclientinfo",
"clients": [{"mac": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "ip": ""},
{"mac": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "ip": "N/A"}]
openSPOT3 sends this message if it has completed an internet connection check. It is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "netchk",
"duration": 123
duration is the internet connection check duration in milliseconds. It's -1 if the internet connection check has failed, it's 0 if no duration is available.
openSPOT3 sends this message if it has queried the Wi-Fi RSSI dBm value and it has been changed since the previous query. It is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "wifirssi",
"rssi": -81
openSPOT3 sends this message if the power saving state changes. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "pwrsaving",
"enabled": 0
enabled is 1 if power saving got enabled.
openSPOT3 automatically sends the status WebSocket API interface's output to all connected WebSocket API clients on every 500ms or when some fields change. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "status",
"status": { "status": 11, "lastntpsync": 1519998419, ... }
status field contains the output of the status WebSocket API interface as a JSON object. Note that this object is NOT stringified.
openSPOT3 sends this message instead of the connectedto push message when the built-in SharkRF IP Connector Protocol server is active and a client connects or disconnects. It is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "status-srfipconnserver",
"status": { "client_connected": 0, "client_id": 0, ... }
status field contains the output of the status-srfipconnserver WebSocket API interface as a JSON object. Note that this object is NOT stringified.
openSPOT3 sends this message if a DMR SMS message is received.
Messages are in hexadecimal UTF16BE format. Example: "BEER" = "0042004500450052" Max. message length which can be sent is currently 256 UTF16BE characters (512 hex char pairs).
Please see the dmrsms WebSocket API interface's description for the valid calltype and format values. frommodem is 1 if the message is received from the modem.
The JSON format is the following:
"type": "rxsms",
"dstid": 2161006,
"srcid": 2161005,
"calltype": 1,
"format": 0,
"frommodem": 1,
"msg": "0042004500450052"
openSPOT3 sends this message if a DMR SMS message is being transmitted, or sending is over.
The JSON format is the following:
"status": 0
*status* can be:
- 0: message send has started
- 1: message transmitted successfully
- 2: message transmit failed
#### Push message type: info
openSPOT3 sends this message if the info API interface data is changed.
The JSON format is the following:
"type": "info",
"info": { "hwver": ... }
info field contains the output of the info WebSocket API interface as a JSON object. Note that this object is NOT stringified.
openSPOT3 sends this message if there's a message which should be displayed to the user. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "notification",
"id": 4,
"param": "CSD"
id can be:
- 0: Firmware upgrade download has started.
- 1: Firmware upgrade downloaded.
- 2: Firmware upgrade download cancelled.
- 3: Firmware upgrade download failed.
- 4: Firmware upgrade download not allowed for the current SharkRF Network login.
- 5: SharkRF Network login needed for firmware upgrade download.
- 6: Data upgrade download has started. In this case param is the data type.
- 7: Data upgrade downloaded. In this case param is the data type.
- 8: Data upgrade download cancelled. In this case param is the data type.
- 9: Data upgrade download failed. In this case param is the data type.
- 10: Data upgrade download not allowed for the current SharkRF Network login.
- 11: SharkRF Network login needed for the data upgrade download.
- 12: Authentication token downloaded successfully.
- 13: Authentication token download failed.
- 14: Connector authentication failed.
- 15: Color code mismatch in received stream from modem.
- 16: DGID mismatch in received stream from modem.
- 17: RAN mismatch in received stream from modem.
- 18: DAPNET server error. In this case param is the error string.
- 19: DAPNET server error, invalid auth key.
- 20: NAC mismatch in received stream from modem.
- 21: Transceiver mode should be set to Digital Narrow (DN).
- 22: Transceiver modem should be set to Voice Wide (VW).
- 23: REF/XRF server is currently overloaded.
- 24: REF/XRF server is connected read only.
- 25: Can't transmit to REF/XRF server, it's connected read only.
- 26: Server rejected the connection.
openSPOT3 sends this message if the time changes. It is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "time",
"now": 1532349928,
"up": 243,
"ntp_last_synced_at": 1532349928,
"ntp_synced_host": "",
"tzoffset": -7200
now is the UNIX timestamp of openSPOT3's current time. up is the seconds elapsed since the openSPOT3 powered up. ntp_last_synced_at is the timestamp of the last NTP sync event. ntp_synced_host is the host of the NTP server which was last synced. tzoffset is the offset in seconds for the current timezone including DST.
openSPOT3 sends this message if the configuration profile timeouts change, and periodically during a call. It is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "cptimeouts",
"cp": 2,
"cp_sec": 300,
"null_sec": 300,
"null_pdown": 0
cp is the configuration profile slot number to change after the cp_sec timeout. null_sec is the timeout after the Null connector gets activated. If null_pdown is 1 then the openSPOT3 will power down instead of activating the Null connector.
openSPOT3 sends this message when it connects/disconnects to a server, or the talkgroup/reflector connection state changes. If the built-in SharkRF IP Connector Protocol Server is the active connector then the status-srfipconnserver push message is sent instead of this one. The connectedto message is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened.
The JSON format is the following:
"type": "connectedto",
"to": "FCS001/099",
"server": "",
"primary": 1
to is set to the reflector/talkgroup ID or name where the current connector is connected. It's empty if this information is unavailable. server is the hostname or IP address of the currently connected connector server. primary is 1 if the primary server is used by the current connector, and it's 0 if the backup server is used.
The openSPOT3 sends this message to inform the client about where the current call is sent to in case the current call is a cross mode call. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "crossmodecallinfo",
"id": "cafecafebeefbeef",
"dst": "9",
"src": "9998",
"isprivate": 0,
"tomodemmode": 5
id is the call ID. dst is the destination callsign (or ID as a string). It can also be empty in case of C4FM group calls. src is the source callsign (or ID as a string). isprivate is 1 if the call is sent as a private call. tomodemmode indicates the modem mode the current call is converted to. See the modemmode WebSocket API interface for available tomodemmode values.
The openSPOT3 sends this message periodically if the AutoCal connector is activated.
The JSON format is the following:
"type": "autocalstatus",
"state": 0,
"progress": 59,
"found_offset": 0,
"restart_in_sec": 0
state can be:
- 0: Phase 1, searching for a transmission.
- 1: Phase 2, scanning.
- 2: Phase 3, measuring BER.
- 3: Finished.
progress is the progress in percent. found_offset is in Hz and is set when the AutoCal process is finished. restart_in_sec indicates how many seconds remaining after the AutoCal process is finished before entering Phase 1 again.
The openSPOT3 sends this message after the WebSocket connection is opened. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "pocsagmsgqueue",
"queue": [
{msg: "beer1", ric: 161005, alert: 0, ts: 1542706486, id: "b0b6228a2eba0ea6"},
{msg: "beer2", ric: 161005, alert: 0, ts: 1542706487, id: "c1b6228a2eba0ea7"}
queue contains all queued POCSAG messages. alert is 1 if the message is an alert (with or without msg content). id is a unique message identifier. ts is the UNIX timestamp of the queue message add.
The openSPOT3 sends this message when a POCSAG message has been added to the message queue. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "pocsagqueuedmsg",
"msg": {msg: "beer", ric: 161005, alert: 0, ts: 1542706745, id: "de4002de5048f86e"}
alert is 1 if the message is an alert (with or without msg content). id is a unique message identifier. ts is the UNIX timestamp of the queue message add.
The openSPOT3 sends this message when a POCSAG message has been sent. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "pocsagmsgsent",
"id": "de4002de5048f86e"
id is a unique message identifier.
The openSPOT3 sends this message when a POCSAG message has been removed from the message queue because of a timeout. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "pocsagmsgtimeout",
"id": "de4002de5048f86e"
id is a unique message identifier.
The openSPOT3 sends this message when the POCSAG state changes, or the WebSocket connection is opened. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "pocsagstate",
"state": 0,
"sec": 0,
"ts_nr": 15
state can be the following:
- 0: Idle.
- 1: Waiting for RX/TX end.
- 2: Waiting for TX delay. In this case sec is set to the remaining seconds.
- 3: Waiting for timeslot. In this case sec is set to the remaining seconds, and ts_nr is set to the (decimal) timeslot number which the OS2 waits.
- 4: Transmitting POCSAG messages.
The openSPOT3 sends this message when the DAPNET connector background state changes, or the WebSocket connection is opened. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "dapnetbgstate",
"state": 0
state can be the following:
- 0: Uninitialized.
- 1: Initializing.
- 2: Connecting.
- 3: Connected.
The openSPOT3 sends this message when the modem frequency changes. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "modemfreq",
"data": {rx_frequency: 433900000, dmr_rx_offset: 0, ...}
data field contains the output of the modemfreq WebSocket API interface as a JSON object. Note that this object is NOT stringified.
The openSPOT3 sends this message after the WebSocket connection is opened. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "aprsmsgqueue",
"queue": [
queue contains all messages in the APRS queue. ts is the UNIX timestamp of the queue message add.
The openSPOT3 sends this message when a message has been added to the queue. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "aprsmsg",
"msg": {"is_outbound":0,"is_unconfirmed":0,"callsign":"HG1MA","msg":"beer1","id":"123","ts":1549976403}
ts is the UNIX timestamp of the queue message add.
The openSPOT3 sends this message when an outbound message in the queue has been sent and it is waiting for an acknowledge from the recipient, and also after the WebSocket connection is opened. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "aprstxmsgwaitack",
"msg": {"is_outbound":1,"is_unconfirmed":0,"callsign":"HG1MA","msg":"beer1","id":"123","ts":1549976403},
"remaining_sec": 15
remaining_sec is the seconds remaining until the device retries sending.
The openSPOT3 sends this message when an outbound message has been acknowledged by the recipient. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "aprstxmsggotack",
"id": "123"
The openSPOT3 sends this message when an outbound message send has been timed out. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "aprstxmsgtimeout",
"id": "123"
The openSPOT3 sends this message when an outbound message send has been cancelled. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "aprstxmsgcancel",
"id": "123"
openSPOT3 sends this message if the RTC settings are changed. It is also automatically sent after the WebSocket connection is opened. The JSON format is the following:
"type": "rtc",
"wakeupat": 100,
"powerdownat": 200
wakeupat and powerdownat are seconds after midnight (local time).
The openSPOT3 sends the binary message type in the first byte. Currently only 1 binary message type is available, webaudio, which is indicated by 0. Following bytes contain the binary push message.
If web audio is turned on for the current session, then the openSPOT3 sends call audio to the WebSocket client as 8kHz 16 bit signed PCM data. The first byte of the message indicates the gain correction value in dB which should be applied to the PCM data upon playback. Bytes 1-321 contain 320 bytes of PCM data.
Logs out the user.
Triggers a reboot.
If reset_config is set to 1, it resets the current configuration profile to defaults after rebooting. If reset_all_configs is set to 1, it resets all configuration profiles to defaults after rebooting. If bootloader is 1, it reboots the unit to the bootloader.
Request (optional):
"reset_config": 0,
"reset_all_configs": 1,
"bootloader": 0
Returns openSPOT3's current status. Sending a get request to this interface is not necessarily needed as openSPOT3 sends the output of this interface as WebSocket API message type status automatically every 500ms or when some fields change.
rssi_values_dbm contains RSSI values since the last status report.
dejitter_buf_pkts contain dejitter buffer packet count values since the last status report.
ber_values contain the count of erroneous bits since the last status report. The second number in each number pair is used for internal debugging purposes.
invalid_seqnums contains the count of received invalid sequence number errors since the last status report.
The traffic counters are monotonically increasing 32 bit values. rx_bytes and tx_bytes are the total network traffic, gw_rx_bytes and gw_tx_bytes are the traffic from/to the default gateway (usually this is the internet traffic) and cn_rx_bytes and cn_tx_bytes are the connector traffic.
"rssi_values_dbm": [-60,-62,-65],
"dejitter_buf_pkts": [0, 1, 2],
"ber_values": [[0,0], [1,0], [2,0]],
"invalid_seqnums": 5,
"rx_bytes": 1442100,
"tx_bytes": 1442100,
"gw_rx_bytes": 144210,
"gw_tx_bytes": 144210,
"cn_rx_bytes": 14421,
"cn_tx_bytes": 14421
This interface handles DMR SMS sending and SMS settings when the modem is in DMR mode. Otherwise it'll return 400 Bad Request.
Call types: 0 - private, 1 - group. Format IDs: 0 - ETSI, 1 - UDP, 2 - UDP/Chinese. See user manual for more info. Setting a new send_srcid in the query overwrites the default_srcid. If send_to_modem is 0, the SMS will be sent to the currently active connector. If intercept_net_msgs is 1, then SMS messages coming from the network to the default_srcid will be processed. If send_intercepted_to_pocsag_ric is not 0, received intercepted messages to default_srcid will be queued as POCSAG messages to RIC set by this field. If only_save is 1, the SMS will not get sent, only the send_srcid and intercept_net settings will be stored.
Messages are in hexadecimal UTF16BE format. Example: "BEER" = "0042004500450052" Max. message length which can be sent is currently 256 UTF16BE characters (512 hex char pairs).
Also see the txsms WebSocket API message type for the message send status.
Request (optional):
"only_save": 0,
"intercept_net_msgs": 0,
"send_intercepted_to_pocsag_ric": 0,
"send_dstid": 2161005,
"send_calltype": 0,
"send_srcid": 9998,
"send_format": 0,
"send_tdma_channel": 0,
"send_to_modem": 0,
"send_msg": "0042004500450052"
"default_srcid": 9998,
"intercept_net": 0,
"send_intercepted_to_pocsag_ric": 0
Returns the SharkRF IP Connector Server's current status, if it's the active connector. Otherwise it'll return 400 Bad Request.
client_connected is 1 if a client is connected.
"client_connected": 0,
"client_id": 1234,
"client_callsign": ""
openSPOT3's active connector query (get)/change (post).
Valid connector IDs:
- 0: No connector set.
- 1: DMRplus
- 2: Homebrew
- 3: DCS/XLX
- 4: FCS
- 5: SharkRF IP Connector Client
- 6: SharkRF IP Connector Server
- 7: AutoCal
- 8: REF/XRF
- 9: YSFReflector
- 10: DAPNET
- 11: NXDNReflector
- 12: APRS
- 13: P25Reflector
Request (optional):
"connector": 0
"connector": 0
Connector other settings query (get)/change (post).
rxtimeout_sec is the change to null connector timeout. rxtimeout_mode can be 0 (modem) or 1 (modem or network).
Request (optional):
"rxtimeout_sec": 0,
"rxtimeout_mode": 0
"rxtimeout_sec": 0,
"rxtimeout_mode": 0
Null connector settings query (get)/change (post).
See the modemmode interface for available modem_mode values.
Request (optional):
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0
DMRplus connector settings query (get)/change (post).
See the modemmode interface for available modem_mode values.
server_id is the IEEE CRC32 of the server's name from the server list.
Request (optional):
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"server_id": 123,
"port": 8880,
"dmr_id": "",
"reflector_id": 0,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 10,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 8880,
"dmr_id": "",
"reflector_id": 0,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 10,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
Homebrew connector settings query (get)/change (post).
Valid autocon_calltype, crossmode_dstcalltype and reroute_calltype values: 0 - group call, 1 - private call.
For more information about the MMDVM options field, see this description.
See the modemmode interface for available modem_mode values.
is_bm_srv should be set to 1 if the server is a BrandMeister server. server_name should be set to the currently selected server's name.
Fields starting with b_ are for the backup server. b_toggle_timeout_sec is the timeout in seconds to toggle between the backup and primary servers.
server_name is the server name from the server list. server_id is the BrandMeister server's ID. If the server is not a BrandMeister server, then it is the IEEE CRC32 of the server's name from the server list.
Request (optional):
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"server_name": "",
"server_id": 123,
"is_bm_srv": 0,
"server_name": "",
"port": 62030,
"mmdvm_mode": 0,
"mmdvm_options": "",
"callsign": "",
"password": "",
"b_server_host": "",
"b_is_bm_srv": 0,
"b_server_name": "",
"b_port": 62030,
"b_password": "",
"b_toggle_timeout_sec": 60,
"repeater_id": 901234,
"url": "",
"autocon_id": 4771,
"autocon_calltype": 0,
"autocon_tdma_channel": 0,
"autocon_interval_sec": 500,
"autocon_discon": 0,
"dmo_tdma_channel": 0,
"crossmode_dstid": 9,
"crossmode_dstcalltype": 0,
"crossmode_dtmf_discon": 1,
"reroute_id": 9990,
"reroute_calltype": 1,
"dynreroute_disabled": 0,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 5,
"rx_timeout_sec": 30,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 62030,
"mmdvm_mode": 0,
"mmdvm_options": "",
"callsign": "",
"password": "",
"b_server_host": "",
"b_port": 62030,
"b_password": "",
"b_toggle_timeout_sec": 60,
"repeater_id": 901234,
"url": "",
"autocon_id": 4771,
"autocon_tdma_channel": 0,
"autocon_interval_sec": 500,
"autocon_discon": 0,
"dmo_tdma_channel": 0,
"crossmode_dstid": 9,
"crossmode_dstcalltype": 0,
"crossmode_dtmf_discon": 1,
"reroute_id": 9990,
"reroute_calltype": 1,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 5,
"rx_timeout_sec": 30,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
DCS/XLX connector settings query (get)/change (post).
See the modemmode interface for available modem_mode values.
Request (optional):
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 12345,
"ccs_port": 12345,
"callsign": "",
"local_module": "A",
"reflector": "DCS025",
"remote_module": "Z",
"rx_timeout_sec": 30,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1,
"auto_set_urcall_to_net": 1
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 12345,
"ccs_port": 12345,
"callsign": "",
"local_module": "A",
"reflector": "DCS025",
"remote_module": "Z",
"rx_timeout_sec": 1,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1,
"auto_set_urcall_to_net": 1
REF/XRF connector settings query (get)/change (post).
See the modemmode interface for available modem_mode values.
Request (optional):
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 12345,
"ccs_port": 12345,
"callsign": "",
"local_module": "D",
"reflector": "REF001",
"remote_module": "C",
"rx_timeout_sec": 30,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1,
"gw_mode": 0,
"auto_set_urcall_to_net": 1
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 12345,
"ccs_port": 12345,
"callsign": "",
"local_module": "D",
"reflector": "REF001",
"remote_module": "C",
"allow_g": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 1,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1,
"gw_mode": 0,
"auto_set_urcall_to_net": 1
FCS connector settings query (get)/change (post).
See the modemmode interface for available modem_mode values.
Request (optional):
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 12345,
"callsign": "",
"ccs7_id": 2161005,
"reflector": "FCS001",
"room_number": 25,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 30,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 12345,
"callsign": "",
"ccs7_id": 2161005,
"reflector": "FCS001",
"room_number": 25,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 10,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
YSFReflector connector settings query (get)/change (post).
See the modemmode interface for available modem_mode values.
Request (optional):
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 42000,
"callsign": "",
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 30,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 42000,
"callsign": "",
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 10,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
NXDNReflector connector settings query (get)/change (post).
See the modemmode interface for available modem_mode values.
Request (optional):
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 41400,
"callsign": "",
"tg_id": 123,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 30,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 41400,
"callsign": "",
"tg_id": 123,
"default_cross_mode_dstid": 9,
"always_use_cross_mode_dstid": 1,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 10,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
default_cross_mode_dstid and always_use_cross_mode_dstid are the same fields as in nxdnsettings WebSocket API interface.
P25Reflector connector settings query (get)/change (post).
See the modemmode interface for available modem_mode values.
Request (optional):
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 41000,
"callsign": "",
"tg_id": 123,
"reroute_enabled": 1,
"reroute_tg_id": 9,
"allow_srvchange_grpcall": 1,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 30,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 41000,
"callsign": "",
"tg_id": 123,
"reroute_enabled": 1,
"reroute_tg_id": 9,
"allow_srvchange_grpcall": 1,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 10,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
DAPNET connector settings query (get)/change (post).
See the modemmode interface for available modem_mode values.
Request (optional):
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 43434,
"callsign": "",
"auth_key": "",
"rx_timeout_sec": 65,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 65,
"allow_in_bg": 0,
"tx_time": 0,
"decode_rot1": 1,
"only_allowed_rics": 0,
"allowed_ric1": 0,
"allowed_ric2": 0,
"allowed_ric3": 0,
"allowed_ric4": 0,
"allowed_ric5": 0,
"allowed_ric6": 0,
"allowed_ric7": 0,
"allowed_ric8": 0,
"send_callsign": "",
"send_auth_key": ""
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 43434,
"callsign": "",
"auth_key": "",
"rx_timeout_sec": 65,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 65,
"allow_in_bg": 0,
"tx_time": 0,
"decode_rot1": 1,
"only_allowed_rics": 0,
"allowed_ric1": 0,
"allowed_ric2": 0,
"allowed_ric3": 0,
"allowed_ric4": 0,
"allowed_ric5": 0,
"allowed_ric6": 0,
"allowed_ric7": 0,
"allowed_ric8": 0,
"send_callsign": "",
"send_auth_key": ""
send_callsign and send_auth_key are only used by the browser to send messages using the DAPNET API.
SharkRF IP Connector Client settings query (get)/change (post).
See the modemmode interface for available modem_mode values.
Request (optional):
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 65100,
"id": 2161005,
"password": "abcdefgh",
"callsign": "",
"keepalive_interval_sec": 5,
"rx_timeout_sec": 30,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"server_host": "",
"port": 65100,
"id": 2161005,
"password": "abcdefgh",
"callsign": "",
"keepalive_interval_sec": 5,
"rx_timeout_sec": 30,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 1
SharkRF IP Connector Server settings query (get)/change (post).
See the modemmode interface for available modem_mode values.
Request (optional):
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"port": 65100,
"password": "abcdefgh",
"rx_timeout_sec": 30
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 0,
"port": 65100,
"password": "abcdefgh",
"rx_timeout_sec": 30
AutoCal settings query (get)/change (post). See the modemmode WebSocket API interface for available modem_mode values and the modemfreq WebSocket API interface for information on RX offsets.
Query (optional):
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"dmr_rx_offset": 0,
"c4fm_half_rx_offset": 0,
"nxdn_rx_offset": 0,
"p25_rx_offset": 0,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 1
"rx_freq": 434000000,
"dmr_rx_offset": 0,
"c4fm_half_rx_offset": 0,
"nxdn_rx_offset": 0,
"p25_rx_offset": 0,
"tx_freq": 434000000,
"modem_mode": 1
Allows you to query (get) general information about the device.
hwver is the device hardware version. frwver is the device firmware version. csdver is the callsign database version. It's an empty string if the database is not available. subver is the device subversion. blver is the bootloader version. blupgradeneeded is 1 if the bootloader can be upgraded. blupgradecanstart is 1 if the bootloader upgrade process can be started. uid is the device unique ID in hexadecimal.
dstdate1 and dstdate2 points to the next 2 days from the next 365 days when the timezone offset will change because of the daylight saving time. dstoffset1 and dstoffset2 contains the offsets to change at the given timestamps.
Query (optional):
"dstdate1": 1509238800,
"dstdate2": 1521939600,
"dstoffset1": -3600,
"dstoffset1": -7200
"hwver": "1.0",
"frwver": "0001",
"csdver": "201804051038",
"subver": "433",
"blver": "0001",
"uid": "abcdef"
Config profile settings query (get)/change (post).
reboot is 1 if the active config profile has been changed and openSPOT3 is rebooting. init_ran is set to 1 if the initial setup has been completed at least once in the past. Define cp_name1, cp_name2 and so on to rename the config profile. Set cp_copyfrom and cp_copyto if you want to copy config profiles. active_cp_initialized is 1 if the currently active config profile is initialized. The array cp_names contain each config profile's name. timeoutchange_cp is the profile number which should be activated after rxtimeout_sec seconds. rxtimeout_mode can be 0 (modem) or 1 (modem or network).
Query (optional):
"init_ran": 1,
"active_cp": 0,
"timeoutchange_cp": 0,
"rxtimeout_sec": 0,
"rxtimeout_mode": 0,
"cp_name1": "slot1",
"cp_name2": "slot2",
"cp_name3": "slot3",
"cp_name4": "slot4",
"cp_name5": "slot5",
"cp_copyfrom": 0,
"cp_copyto": 0
"reboot": 0,
"init_ran": 1,
"active_cp": 0,
"timeoutchange_cp": 0,
"rxtimeout_sec": 0,
"rxtimeout_mode": 0,
"active_cp_hostname": "openspot3",
"active_cp_initialized": 1,
"cp_names": ["slot1", "slot2", "slot3", "slot4", "slot5"]
If you want to export config profile settings, you can send a post request to this interface. Set profile_nr to the profile slot number you want to export. You can request settings in chunks. The number of available chunks is in chunk_count (this can also be requested with a get request). Each chunk is represented in string of hexadecimal character pairs. config_size is the count of valid config bytes in the file. The whole config's CRC is returned in config_crc. Note that chunk data in this example is truncated.
Set passinc to 1 if you want to include all passwords in the exported configuration profile data.
Request (optional):
"profile_nr": 0,
"chunk_nr": 0,
"passinc": 0
"config_size": 1458,
"config_crc": "a9fd8832",
"chunk_count": 3,
"chunk_nr": 0,
"chunk": "982443abcdef"
If you want to import config profile settings, you can send a request to this interface.
profile_nr is the profile number where the imported config will be stored. config_size is the count of valid config bytes in the file. chunk_size is the length which this interface waits chunk data in string of hexadecimal character pairs. chunk_count is the total number of chunks needed for a successful import. active_cp_hostname is the hostname of openSPOT3. This is always returned because it may be changed after a successful import - in this case the caller knows on what address openSPOT3 will start listening on after the device reboots. Note that chunk data in this example is truncated. reboot is 1 if the device is rebooting (which happens when the currently active configuration profile slot is the destination slot).
status can be the following:
status will always be 0 when calling this interface without query parameters.
Query (optional):
"profile_nr": 0,
"config_size": 1458,
"config_crc": "a9fd8832",
"chunk_nr": 0,
"chunk": "982443abcdef"
"chunk_size": 1024,
"chunk_count": 3,
"active_cp_hostname": "openspot3",
"status": 0,
"reboot": 0
Allows you to query (get) the actual network parameters.
ssid is the SSID of the active Wi-Fi connection. bssid is the BSSID of the active Wi-Fi connection. chnr is the channel number of the active Wi-Fi connection. ip is the current IP address of the openSPOT3. mask is the currently used network mask. gw is the IP address of the currently used network gateway. dns1 and dns2 are the IP addresses of the currently used DNS servers. regdom is the wireless regulatory domain. Possible values are:
- 0: FCC
- 1: ETSI
- 2: TELEC
"ssid": "Home",
"bssid": "",
"chnr": 11,
"ip": "",
"mask": "",
"gw": "",
"dns1": "",
"dns2": "",
"regdom": 1
Network settings query (get)/change (post).
reload is 1 if the web interface should reload because of hostname or password change.
chkintervalsec is the network connection check interval in seconds.
Defining the pass field will change the HTTP server's password.
Query (optional):
"hostname": "openspot3",
"dejitter_queue_msec": 130,
"pass": "",
"country": "hu",
"chkintervalsec": 60,
"syslog_host": "",
"syslog_enabled": 0,
"syslog_port": 514
"hostname": "openspot3",
"dejitter_queue_msec": 130,
"country": "hu",
"chkintervalsec": 30,
"syslog_host": "",
"syslog_enabled": 0,
"syslog_port": 514,
"reload": 0
Wireless scan get request. Returns found SSIDs in an array of objects, or an empty array if scan is currently ongoing. In this case, retry the request.
The value of sec can be "none", "wep", "wpa", "wpa2", "wpa-enterprise", "wpa2-enterprise". ch is the wireless channel used by the station. RSSI is in dBm.
act_bssid is the currently associated AP's BSSID (empty if no AP is associated).
"act_bssid": "",
"results": [
{ "ssid": "Home", "bssid": "11:22:33:44:55:66", "ch": 6, "rssi": -67, "sec": "wpa2" },
{ "ssid": "Test", "bssid": "66:55:44:33:22:11", "ch": 1, "rssi": -72, "sec": "none" }
Network wireless settings query (get)/change (post).
If commonsettings is 1, then the wireless configuration will be saved to all configuration profiles. reload in the response will be set to 1 when a web interface reload is neded.
Request (optional):
"commonsettings": 1,
"ssid1": "Home",
"key1": "secretpassword1",
"bssid1": "",
"ssid2": "Work",
"key2": "secretpassword2",
"bssid2": "11:22:33:44:55:66",
"ssid3": "",
"key3": "secretpassword3",
"bssid3": "66:55:44:33:22:11",
"ssid4": "",
"key4": "",
"bssid4": "",
"ssid5": "",
"key5": "",
"bssid5": "",
"apssid": "openSPOT3 AP",
"apkey": "",
"apchnr": 6,
"start_in_ap_mode": 0,
"ap_mode": 0
"commonsettings": 1,
"ssid1": "Home",
"key1": "secretpassword1",
"bssid1": "",
"ssid2": "Work",
"key2": "secretpassword2",
"bssid2": "11:22:33:44:55:66",
"ssid3": "",
"key3": "secretpassword3",
"bssid3": "66:55:44:33:22:11",
"ssid4": "",
"key4": "",
"bssid4": "",
"ssid5": "",
"key5": "",
"bssid5": "",
"apssid": "openSPOT3 AP",
"apkey": "",
"apchnr": 6,
"start_in_ap_mode": 0,
"ap_mode": 0,
"reload": 1
Network IP settings query (get)/change (post).
ip_config_mode can be:
- 0: DHCP
- 1: Static IP
Request (optional):
"ip_config_mode": 0,
"static_ip": "",
"static_mask": "",
"static_gw": "",
"static_dns1": "",
"static_dns2": "",
"usestaticdns": 1
"ip_config_mode": 0,
"static_ip": "",
"static_mask": "",
"static_gw": "",
"static_dns1": "",
"static_dns2": "",
"usestaticdns": 1
Network MAC settings query (get)/change (post).
Request (optional):
"mac": "11:22:33:44:55:66"
"mac": "11:22:33:44:55:66",
"client": "66:55:44:33:22:11",
"orig": "11:11:11:22:22:22",
"ap": "11:11:11:33:33:33"
Network traffic counters reset (post). If reset is set to 1, then the traffic counters will be set to 0.
Request (optional):
"reset": 1
NTP settings query (get)/change (post).
If syncneeded is set to 1 then an NTP sync will be initiated even if no other fields are modified.
Request (optional):
"host": "",
"syncneeded": 1,
"use_dhcp_server": 1
"host": "",
"synced_host": "",
"use_dhcp_server": 1
Firmware upgrade settings query (get)/change (post).
beta is 1 if the device should check/download beta firmwares, not just stable ones. auto is 1 if auto firmware upgrade is turned on. autodata is 1 if auto data upgrade is turned on. daysec is the seconds from midnight when the firmware upgrade reboot to bootloader should be started. delaysec is the minimum delay in seconds after the last modem/network RX or TX before the device reboots. chkintervalsec is the new firmware version check interval in seconds.
If chkneeded is 1, the device will start checking for newer firmware versions. If startfwdl is 1, the device will start downloading the firmware upgrade. If startdatadl is 1, the device will start downloading the data upgrade. If cancel is 1, the ongoing firmware upgrade process is cancelled.
Request (optional):
"beta": 0,
"auto": 1,
"autodata": 1,
"daysec": 14400,
"delaysec": 180,
"chkintervalsec": 3600,
"chkneeded": 0,
"startfwdl": 0,
"startdatadl": 0,
"cancel": 0
"beta": 0,
"auto": 1,
"autodata": 1,
"daysec": 14400,
"delaysec": 180
### spksettings
Voice announcement settings query (get)/change (post).
*shortbm* is 1 if shortened BrandMeister announcements are needed.
*shortprofile* is 1 if shortened profile announcements are needed.
*net_state_int_sec* is the net state announcement interval in seconds.
Request (optional):
"enabled": 1,
"shortbm": 0,
"shortprofile": 0,
"remote_only": 0,
"host": "",
"port": 65200,
"net_state_int_sec": 30,
"src_id": 9998,
"prof_id": 9000,
"con_id": 9998,
"ip_id": 9001,
"batt_id": 9996,
"batt_low_enabled": 1
"enabled": 1,
"shortbm": 0,
"shortprofile": 0,
"remote_only": 0,
"host": "",
"port": 65200,
"net_state_int_sec": 30,
"src_id": 9998,
"prof_id": 9000,
"con_id": 9998,
"ip_id": 9001,
"batt_id": 9996,
"batt_low_enabled": 1
Location settings query (get)/change (post).
Request (optional):
"latitude": "0.0",
"longitude": "0.0",
"height_agl": 0,
"height_asl": 0,
"name": ""
"latitude": "0.0",
"longitude": "0.0",
"height_agl": 0,
"height_asl": 0,
"name": ""
General DMR settings query (get)/change (post).
If no_srvinband is set to 1, in-band DMR data like GPS position or talker alias will not be sent to the network. If no_inband is set to 1, in-band DMR data like GPS position or talker alias will not be sent to the modem. If gen_talker_alias_to_modem is set to 1, a talker alias will be generated to the stream sent to the modem based on the information available in the DMR ID database. If force_src_id is set to other than 0, then the source ID of all DMR calls received by the modem will be replaced with this ID. tglist is the preferred talkgroup list. Valid values are: default and tgif. The default_cross_mode_src_id will be used as the source ID for DMR calls in cross modem modes if the original source callsign can't be parsed to a valid DMR ID. If allow_only_ids_as_callsigns is set to 1, then only parseable DMR IDs are allowed as source callsigns in cross modem modes.
Request (optional):
"no_srvinband": 0,
"force_talker_alias": "abcd",
"no_inband": 0,
"gen_talker_alias_to_modem": 0,
"force_src_id": 0,
"cc": 1,
"echo_id": 9999,
"tglist": "default",
"default_cross_mode_src_id": 0,
"allow_only_ids_as_callsigns": 1
"no_srvinband": 0,
"force_talker_alias": "abcd",
"no_inband": 0,
"gen_talker_alias_to_modem": 0,
"force_src_id": 0,
"cc": 1,
"echo_id": 9999,
"tglist": "default",
"default_cross_mode_src_id": 0,
"allow_only_ids_as_callsigns": 1
General D-STAR settings query (get)/change (post).
If cross_mode_def_cs is set then it will be used as the source callsign for cross modem mode calls. It will be overridden with the forced_cross_src if force_cross_src is 1.
Request (optional):
"echo_callsign": " E",
"force_cross_src": 0,
"forced_cross_src": "",
"cross_mode_def_cs": "",
"transmit_rx_confirmation": 1,
"dtmf_automute_cmds": 1,
"dtmf_autoignore_cmds": 1
"echo_callsign": " E",
"force_cross_src": 0,
"forced_cross_src": "",
"cross_mode_def_cs": "",
"transmit_rx_confirmation": 1,
"dtmf_automute_cmds": 1,
"dtmf_autoignore_cmds": 1
General C4FM settings query (get)/change (post).
If cross_mode_def_cs is set then it will be used as the source callsign for cross modem mode calls.
If only_rx_with_dgid_en is 1, then the modem only processes C4FM calls with DGID only_rx_with_dgid.
If force_dgid_to_modem_en is 1, all C4FM frames sent to the modem will have DGID force_dgid_to_modem set.
If force_dgid_to_net_en is 1, all C4FM frames sent to the network will have DGID force_dgid_to_net set.
Request (optional):
"allow_data_calls_to_net": 0,
"ignore_wiresx_btn_cmds": 0,
"disable_name_upcase": 0,
"no_wiresx_conn_msgs": 0,
"hide_profiles_in_wiresx_all_reply": 0,
"dtmf_automute_cmds": 1,
"dtmf_autoignore_cmds": 1,
"dtmf_pcode": "*",
"dtmf_gcode": "#",
"transmit_rx_confirmation": 1,
"cross_mode_def_cs": "",
"echo_dgid": 99,
"only_rx_with_dgid_en": 0,
"only_rx_with_dgid": 12,
"force_dgid_to_modem_en": 0,
"force_dgid_to_modem": 12,
"force_dgid_to_net_en": 0,
"force_dgid_to_net": 12
"allow_data_calls_to_net": 0,
"ignore_wiresx_btn_cmds": 0,
"disable_name_upcase": 0,
"no_wiresx_conn_msgs": 0,
"hide_profiles_in_wiresx_all_reply": 0,
"dtmf_automute_cmds": 1,
"dtmf_autoignore_cmds": 1,
"dtmf_pcode": "*",
"dtmf_gcode": "#",
"transmit_rx_confirmation": 1,
"cross_mode_def_cs": "",
"echo_dgid": 99,
"only_rx_with_dgid_en": 0,
"only_rx_with_dgid": 12,
"force_dgid_to_modem_en": 0,
"force_dgid_to_modem": 12,
"force_dgid_to_net_en": 0,
"force_dgid_to_net": 12
General NXDN settings query (get)/change (post).
The default_cross_mode_dstid will be used as the destination ID in cross modem modes if the original destination ID is not valid as an NXDN ID. You can force this ID's usage by setting always_use_cross_mode_dstid to 1. The default_cross_mode_srcid will be used as the source ID in cross modem modes if the original source ID is not valid as an NXDN ID. You can force this ID's usage by setting always_use_cross_mode_srcid to 1. If only_valid_callsign_ids is set to 1, then only parseable NXDN IDs are allowed as source callsigns in cross modem modes.
Request (optional):
"ran": 0,
"echo_id": 9999,
"default_cross_mode_dstid": 9,
"always_use_cross_mode_dstid": 1,
"default_cross_mode_srcid": 9998,
"always_use_cross_mode_srcid": 0,
"only_valid_callsign_ids": 0
"ran": 0,
"echo_id": 9999,
"default_cross_mode_dstid": 9,
"always_use_cross_mode_dstid": 1,
"default_cross_mode_srcid": 9998,
"always_use_cross_mode_srcid": 0,
"only_valid_callsign_ids": 0
General P25 settings query (get)/change (post). The default_cross_mode_src_id will be used as the source ID for P25 calls in cross modem modes if the original source callsign can't be parsed to a valid P25 ID. If allow_only_ids_as_callsigns is set to 1, then only parseable P25 IDs are allowed as source callsigns in cross modem modes.
Request (optional):
"nac": 0,
"echo_id": 9999,
"default_cross_mode_src_id": 9,
"allow_only_ids_as_callsigns": 0
"nac": 0,
"echo_id": 9999,
"default_cross_mode_src_id": 9,
"allow_only_ids_as_callsigns": 0
Callsign/CCS7 ID lock settings query (get)/change (post).
Request (optional):
"id1": 2161005,
"callsign1": "HA2NON",
"id2": 2161006,
"callsign2": "HG1MA",
"id3": 0,
"callsign3": ""
"id1": 2161005,
"callsign1": "HA2NON",
"id2": 2161006,
"callsign2": "HG1MA",
"id3": 0,
"callsign3": ""
Call muting based on callsign/CCS7 ID settings query (get)/change (post).
Request (optional):
"id1": 2161005,
"callsign1": "HA2NON",
"id2": 2161006,
"callsign2": "HG1MA",
"id3": 0,
"callsign3": "",
"id4": 0,
"callsign4": "",
"id5": 0,
"callsign5": ""
"id1": 2161005,
"callsign1": "HA2NON",
"id2": 2161006,
"callsign2": "HG1MA",
"id3": 0,
"callsign3": "",
"id4": 0,
"callsign4": "",
"id5": 0,
"callsign5": ""
RX, TX frequency, TX power, RX frequency offset query (get)/change (post). RX offsets are in Hz and their range can be -500 to 500.
Request (optional):
"rx_frequency": 433450000,
"dmr_rx_offset": 0,
"dmr_cc": 1,
"c4fm_half_rx_offset": 0,
"nxdn_rx_offset": 0,
"nxdn_ran": 0,
"p25_rx_offset": 0,
"p25_nac": 0,
"tx_frequency": 433450000,
"tx_power_percent": 100,
"save_to_all_connectors": 1
"rx_frequency": 433450000,
"dmr_rx_offset": 0,
"dmr_cc": 1,
"c4fm_half_rx_offset": 0,
"nxdn_rx_offset": 0,
"nxdn_ran": 0,
"p25_rx_offset": 0,
"p25_nac": 0,
"tx_frequency": 433450000,
"pocsag_freq_used": 0,
"tx_power_percent": 100
pocsag_freq_used is 1 if the currently active modem mode is POCSAG.
Modem CW ID settings query (get)/change (post).
Request (optional):
"enabled": 1,
"modulate": 0,
"cwid": "HA2NON",
"wpm": 25,
"interval_sec": 600,
"delay_sec": 30
"enabled": 1,
"modulate": 0,
"cwid": "HA2NON",
"wpm": 25,
"interval_sec": 600,
"delay_sec": 30
Current modem mode query (get)/change (post).
mode can be:
- 0: Idle
- 1: DMR
- 2: D-STAR
- 3: C4FM
- 4: C4FM half deviation mode
- 5: NXDN
- 6: P25
Request (optional):
"mode": 0
"mode": 0
Modem modulation mode query (get)/change (post).
modulation_mode can be:
- 0: 2FSK
- 1: 2FSK Raised Cosine
- 2: 4FSK
- 3: 4FSK Raised Cosine
Request (optional):
"modulation_mode": 0,
"inner_deviation_hz": 648
"modulation_mode": 0,
"inner_deviation_hz": 648
Modem calibration settings query (get)/change (post).
Request (optional):
"auto_calibration": 1,
"recalibrate_temp_diff_in_celsius": 10,
"temp_read_interval_in_sec": 10,
"temp_read_delay_in_sec_after_sync_lost": 10,
"quick_calibrate_delay_in_sec_after_sync_lost": 10
"auto_calibration": 1,
"recalibrate_temp_diff_in_celsius": 10,
"temp_read_interval_in_sec": 10,
"temp_read_delay_in_sec_after_sync_lost": 10,
"quick_calibrate_delay_in_sec_after_sync_lost": 10
Other modem settings query (get)/change (post).
If reset_settings is set to 1 then the default modem configuration will be restored. agc_auto and external_vco fields are booleans.
Request (optional):
"reset_settings": 0,
"bclo_dbm": -80,
"ignore_rx_after_tx_ms": 0,
"sensitivity_level": 6,
"filter_gain": 0,
"agc_auto": 0,
"agc_low_threshold_dbm": -50,
"agc_high_threshold_dbm": -80,
"external_vco": 0,
"call_hang_time_ms": 3000
"bclo_dbm": -80,
"ignore_rx_after_tx_ms": 0,
"sensitivity_level": 6,
"filter_gain": 0,
"agc_auto": 0,
"agc_low_threshold_dbm": -50,
"agc_high_threshold_dbm": -80,
"external_vco": 0,
"call_hang_time_ms": 3000
If you want to request a quick call to the network, you can send a request to this interface. If the currently active connector does not support the quick call feature, the response code will be 400 Bad Request.
If ignore_call_from_4000 is set to 1, then the openSPOT3 ignores (mutes) the first call coming from ID 4000.
Request (optional):
"dst_id": 4000,
"private_call": 0,
"tdma_channel": 0,
"ignore_call_from_4000": 1
The response of the interface for every request is the following:
"autodisconnect": 1,
"slots": [[216,0,0],[2161,0,0],[2162,0,0]...]
autodisconnect returns the previously stored autodisconnect setting. This settings is only stored by the device, it won't do an auto disconnect before a quick call even if it is set to 1.
slots is an array of the stored quick call shortcut slots. Each element is an array in the format [id, privatecall, tdmachannel].
If you want to change the autodisconnect setting, send the following request:
"autodisconnect": 0
If you want to change a stored shortcut slot, send the following request:
"slot_nr": 0,
"save_id": 2165,
"private_call": 0,
"tdma_channel": 0
Init setup settings query (get)/change (post). Returns already stored settings.
If finish is 1 in the query, then already stored init settings will be copied to all needed places in the config. If commonsettings in the net-wl interface is 1, then the settings will be copied to all configuration profiles. If openSPOT3 will reconnect to the Wi-Fi network after finish is set to 1 in the query, reconnect is set to 1 in the response.
Request (optional):
"country": "us",
"ssid": "bombegy",
"key": "abcd1234",
"finish": 1
"country": "us",
"reconnect": 1
BrandMeister manager settings query (get)/change (post). Returns already stored settings.
Request (optional):
"apikey": "abcdef"
"apikey": "abcdef"
Quick setup callsign and/or IDs. Settings will be copied to all needed places in the config. Returns already stored settings.
Request (optional):
"callsign": "HA2NON",
"dmr_id": 2161005,
"nxdn_id": 61005
"callsign": "HA2NON",
"dmr_id": 2161005,
"nxdn_id": 61005
You can override the LED with this interface. The RGB values are in percent. led can be "app" or "pwr".
Request (optional):
"led": "app",
"override": 1,
"r": 25,
"g": 0,
"b": 25
"override": 1
You can query information from the openSPOT3's callsign-ID (CSD) database.
"id": 2161005,
"type": 0,
"callsign": ""
"result": 0,
"dmrids": [2161005, 2161028],
"dmrtgids": [],
"nxdnids": [61005],
"callsign": "HA2NON",
"name": "Norbert",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"country": "hu"
The request can only contain either the ID or the callsign. If both fields are present then the result will be a bad request.
result can be the following:
- 0: Success
- -1: ID/callsign not found in the database
- -2: No CSD database is present on the device
- -3: Error during the database query
type is the ID type (this only matters if the request is made for an ID, not a callsign). Valid values are:
- 0: DMR
- 1: NXDN
- 2: DMR talkgroup
- 3: DMR TGIF Network talkgroup
POCSAG settings query (get)/change (post). Returns already stored settings.
"freq": 439987500,
"bitrate_mode": 0,
"txdelay_sec": 10,
"ts_nooverride": 0,
"timeslots": 65535
"freq": 439987500,
"bitrate_mode": 0,
"txdelay_sec": 10,
"ts_nooverride": 0,
"timeslots": 65535
bitrate_mode can be the following:
- 0: 1200bps
- 1: 2400bps
- 2: 512bps
timeslots is a 16 bit value. Each bit represents a timeslot, so for example the value 32768 means timeslot F is allowed, and others are not.
POCSAG message queue add/empty (post).
"dst_ric": 161005,
"msg": "beer",
"alert_type": 0,
"empty": 0
"empty_result": 0,
"add_result": 1
If only a message send is needed, field empty is not needed. add_result is 1 if add to the queue was successful.
If you want to empty the POCSAG message queue, set empty to 1. If emptying the queue was successful, empty_result will be 1.
alert_type can be the following:
- 0: Not an alert message.
- 1: Alert without message. In this case the msg field will be ignored.
- 2: Alert with message.
APRS settings query (get)/change (post). Returns already stored settings.
Request (optional):
"server_host": "",
"port": 14580,
"callsign": "HA2NON",
"rx_timeout_sec": 65,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 5,
"location_symbol": "\\&",
"location_comment": "SharkRF openSPOT3",
"location_send_enabled": 1,
"allow_in_bg": 1,
"send_to_pocsag_ric": 0,
"allow_dstar_loc_fwd": 1,
"force_dstar_loc_ssid_en": 0,
"force_dstar_loc_symbol_en": 0,
"force_dstar_loc_comment_en": 0,
"allow_c4fm_loc_fwd": 1,
"force_c4fm_loc_ssid_en": 0,
"force_c4fm_loc_symbol_en": 0,
"force_c4fm_loc_comment_en": 0,
"force_dstar_loc_ssid": 7,
"force_dstar_loc_symbol": "/[",
"force_dstar_loc_comment": "SharkRF openSPOT3",
"force_c4fm_loc_ssid": 7,
"force_c4fm_loc_symbol": "/[",
"force_c4fm_loc_comment": "SharkRF openSPOT3"
"server_host": "",
"port": 14580,
"callsign": "HA2NON",
"rx_timeout_sec": 65,
"conn_retry_interval_sec": 5,
"location_symbol": "\\&",
"location_comment": "SharkRF openSPOT3",
"location_send_enabled": 1,
"allow_in_bg": 1,
"send_to_pocsag_ric": 0,
"allow_dstar_loc_fwd": 1,
"force_dstar_loc_ssid_en": 0,
"force_dstar_loc_symbol_en": 0,
"force_dstar_loc_comment_en": 0,
"allow_c4fm_loc_fwd": 1,
"force_c4fm_loc_ssid_en": 0,
"force_c4fm_loc_symbol_en": 0,
"force_c4fm_loc_comment_en": 0,
"force_dstar_loc_ssid": 7,
"force_dstar_loc_symbol": "/[",
"force_dstar_loc_comment": "SharkRF openSPOT3",
"force_c4fm_loc_ssid": 7,
"force_c4fm_loc_symbol": "/[",
"force_c4fm_loc_comment": "SharkRF openSPOT3"
APRS message queue add (post). If you set send_cancel to 1 then the currently ongoing message send will be cancelled.
"addressee": "HG1MA",
"msg": "beer",
"send_unconfirmed": 0,
"send_cancel": 0
"id": 123
id is the queued (or cancelled) message's ID, or -1 if message adding to the queue (or cancel) was unsuccessful.
Transcode gain settings query (get)/change (post). Returns already stored settings.
"dmr2dstar": 0,
"dmr2c4fm": 0,
"dmr2nxdn": 0,
"dstar2dmr": 0,
"dstar2c4fm": 0,
"dstar2nxdn": 0,
"c4fm2dmr": 0,
"c4fm2dstar": 0,
"c4fm2nxdn": 0,
"nxdn2dmr": 0,
"nxdn2dstar": 0,
"nxdn2c4fm": 0,
"dmr2dstar": 0,
"dmr2c4fm": 0,
"dmr2nxdn": 0,
"dstar2dmr": 0,
"dstar2c4fm": 0,
"dstar2nxdn": 0,
"c4fm2dmr": 0,
"c4fm2dstar": 0,
"c4fm2nxdn": 0,
"nxdn2dmr": 0,
"nxdn2dstar": 0,
"nxdn2c4fm": 0,
Miscellaneous settings query (get)/change (post). Returns already stored settings.
"dark_mode": 0,
"pwrsaving": 0,
"turn_off_if_no_charge": 0,
"no_fast_charge": 0,
"pwr_btn_unlink": 0,
"batt_long_life_mode": 0,
"led_app_pwr_percent": 50,
"led_power_pwr_percent": 50
"dark_mode": 0,
"pwrsaving": 0,
"turn_off_if_no_charge": 0,
"no_fast_charge": 0,
"pwr_btn_unlink": 0,
"batt_long_life_mode": 0,
"led_app_pwr_percent": 50,
"led_power_pwr_percent": 50
Beeper settings query (get)/change (post). Returns already stored settings. The openSPOT3 emits a find device signal and blinks LEDs when find_device is set to 1.
"enabled": 1,
"vol_percent": 100,
"morse_wpm": 20,
"batlow_enabled": 1,
"connect_enabled": 1,
"profile_on_startup_enabled": 0,
"profile_name_on_startup_enabled": 0,
"modem_mode_change_enabled": 0,
"find_device": 0
"enabled": 1,
"vol_percent": 100,
"morse_wpm": 20,
"batlow_enabled": 1,
"connect_enabled": 1,
"profile_on_startup_enabled": 0,
"profile_name_on_startup_enabled": 0,
"modem_mode_change_enabled": 0
A custom beep can be emitted using the openSPOT3's beeper. If morse is set, then the openSPOT3 will play the given string in morse code. hz and length_ms are ignored in this case.
"hz": 1000,
"length_ms": 500,
"morse": ""
"hz": 1000,
"length_ms": 500
RTC settings query (get)/change (post). Returns already stored settings. wakeup_at and pdown_at fields represent seconds after midnight (local time).
"wakeup_enabled": 0,
"wakeup_at": 100,
"wakeup_cp_enabled": 0,
"wakeup_cp": 0,
"pdown_enabled": 0,
"pdown_at": 200
"wakeup_enabled": 0,
"wakeup_at": 100,
"wakeup_cp_enabled": 0,
"wakeup_cp": 0,
"pdown_enabled": 0,
"pdown_at": 200
Web audio settings query (get)/change (post). The enabled field (de)activates for the current WebSocket session.
"enable": 1,
"no_modem_audio": 0
"enabled": 1,
"no_modem_audio": 0