The objective of this app is to learn how to incorporate Firebase into Flutter apps. I'll be using Firebase Cloud Firestore as well as the Firebase authentication package to equip the app with a cloud based NoSQL database and secure authentication methods.
I built a modern messaging app where users can sign up and log in to chat.
- How to incorporate Firebase into Flutter projects.
- How to use Firebase authentication to register and sign in users.
- How to create beautiful animations using the Flutter Hero widget.
- How to create custom aniamtions using Flutter's animation controller.
- Learn all about mixins and how they differ from superclasses.
- Learn about Streams and how they work.
- Learn to use ListViews to build scrolling views.
- How to use Firebase Cloud Firestore to store and retrieve data on the fly.
Project demonstrates building a simple chat application using Flutter framework and Firebase cloud. App does not poll for new messages, instead streams are used to make it reactive.
- Firebase authentication for user management.
- Firebase Firestore message storage.
In order to clone the project via HTTPS, run this command:
$>gh repo clone shashikantkaushik/flash_chat_app_flutter
SSH URLs provide access to a Git repository via SSH, a secure protocol. If you have a SSH key registered in your Github account, clone the project using this command:
Install dependencies
$> flutter install
Start development server
$> flutter run
Feel free to file a new issue with a respective title and description on the Flash Chat repository. If you already found a solution to your problem, I would love to review your pull request! Have a look at our contribution guidelines to find out about the coding standards.
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