This is a setup script to automate the setup and provisioning of Ubuntu servers. This is based on code from and
It does the following:
- Updates APT and upgrades installed Ubuntu packages
- Installs build-essentials and other Python build prerequisites
- Installs ZSH, ZSH-oh-my-god, powerlevel10k theme and addins
- Copies pre-configured powerlevel10k configuration
- Installs pyenv and related tools for Python virtual envs
- Optional installation of MySQL, PostgreSQL-14, NGINX and Zip/Unzip (more to come)
- Setup the timezone for the server (Default to "America/Chicago")
- Asks to change default shell to zsh
SSH into your server and install git if it is not installed:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
Clone this repository into your home directory:
cd ~
git clone
Run the setup script
cd ubuntu-server-setup
Most of this installation is automated.
You will be prompted to install MySQL, etc. with whiptail. These are optional.
Finally, you will be prompted to specify a timezone for the server. It will be set to 'America/Chicago' if you do not specify a value.
This setup script has been tested against Ubuntu 22.04.
Tests are run against a set of Vagrant VMs. To run the tests, run the following in the project's directory: