appcmd list wp
Lists all active IIS applicationPools with their corresponding Id. Useful when using Attach to Process (Ctrl+ALt+P) inside Visual Studio.
NuGet locals temp -clear
Clears temporary NuGet packages, freeing disk space.
grep -rl "string" /path
Find all files matching "string" recursively (-r) and only print filenames of matching files (-l), and not the matching lines.
rm -rf C:\Windows\Logs\CBS
Clears a potentially disk heavy Windows log.
git log -g --grep=stringToFindInCommitMessages
Find all commits that contains stringToFindInCommitMessages
git branch -r
Lists all branches that exists on origin/remote
git remote prune origin
Removes the stale branches
Add (-e ”my-branch”) on all branches you want to keep.
git branch --merged | grep -v master
Lists local merged branches, except for master.
git branch --merged | grep -v master | xargs git branch --delete
Deletes merged local branches, except for master.
git branch | grep -v -e "master" -e "develop" -e "keep-this-branch"
List local branches to be removed (this doesnt remove anything).
git branch | grep -v -e "master" -e "develop" -e "keep-this-branch" | xargs git branch --delete
Deletes local branches.
git branch -r | grep origin | grep -v -e "master" -e "develop" -e "keep-this-branch"
List remote branches to be removed (this does not remove anything).
git branch -r | grep origin | grep -v -e "master" -e "develop" -e "keep-this-branch" | xargs git push origin --delete
Delete remote branches (sync with your team first!). Warning permanent!