CDT is a robust constrained Delaunay triangulation library.
- Download binary releases from here:
- Extract into Godot project root
var cdt =
var vertices : PoolVector2Array = ... # array of all vertices
var edges : PoolIntArray = ... # pairs of indices into `vertices`
# Vertices must be added before edges.
# Call one of these to complete the triangulation:
cdt.erase_super_triangle() # no triangles are removed; result is a convex hull
cdt.erase_outer_triangles() # triangles outside the outermost polygon are removed
cdt.erase_outer_triangles_and_holes() # holes are also removed
# Get CDT output
var cdt_vertices : PoolVector2Array = cdt.get_all_vertices() # all vertices; probably the same as `vertices`?
var cdt_triangles : PoolIntArray = cdt.get_all_triangles() # triangles as indices into `cdt_vertices`
# Other useful CDT output:
cdt.get_triangle_at_point(point : Vector2) -> int # index of the triangle a point is inside, or -1 if none
cdt.get_vertex_count() -> int
cdt.get_vertex(vertex_index) -> Vector2
cdt.get_vertex_triangles(vertex_index) -> PoolIntArray # indices of all triangles a vertex is part of
cdt.get_triangle_count() -> int
cdt.get_triangle(triangle_index) -> Vector3 # indices of a triangle's 3 vertices
cdt.get_triangle_neighbors(triangle_index) -> Vector3 # indices of a triangle's 3 neighboring triangles