I've been playing around with bitcoin and etheruem for the past few weeks, so I decided to build my own blockchain protocol, basically just a test of knowledge to know what I've learnt so far.
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This a blockchain protocol written in Golang, It is inspired by the bitcoin blockchain protocol, although not exactly like it.
The wallets addresses are encoded in the same base as the bitcoin protocol (Base58Check) blocks are mined only when transactions takes place, it is currently limited as there can only one transaction per block it's not a full fledged blockchain protocol but a very simple version of it, it implements the basic ideas of the bitcoin protocol
When creating the first transaction or mining the first block we have to supply an address so that the 100 coins reward for mining the genesis block is transferred to the address
All addresses either displayed or supplied are in the Base58Check
To Initialize the blockchain we have to first generate an address to which we will transfer the coinbase transaction reward to generate first wallet address in your terminal type
go run main.go createWallet
copy the generated address and run the command
go run main.go createBlockchain -address <GENERATED ADDRESS e.g "1PfwwjUi97CHHbTQF4W1XzTRDSoaJbM3qG">
to create/initialise the blockchain, it also transfers the coinbase transaction of 100 coins to the address.
To get the address balance
go run main.go getBalance -address <ADDRESS e.g "1PfwwjUi97CHHbTQF4W1XzTRDSoaJbM3qG">
To print all the transactions on the blockchain
go run main.go printChain
To get a list of all the addresses
go run main.go listAddresses
To transfer from one address to another
Note All addresses (i.e sender and receiver) should have been created and tied to a wallet using the createWallet command
go run main.go send -from <SENDER_ADDRESS e.g "1DYLi62NLDQwkey8roEWAap5Xdm3zX7BHd"> -to <RECEIVER_ADDRESS e.g "14waQN7En5QJ6C2iSJukhVVKBhMmovsNWq"> -amount <AMOUNT e.g 30>