This is my code for studying CS61A-summer20.
At this time, I have already studied the course.Well, this course is aimed to help
students learn how to program in a structured way. It's not an elementary course. I
think the most interesting part is to use python in functional way, this is important
for improving the ability of abstraction. And for me, because I have learned some
Haskell, Scheme is not so strange for me. However, I don't think writing Scheme is
an interesting thing, because it's hard to write so many ()
For this course, if you have some experience, you don't need to do project 1~3, although they are interesting, but they are easy. What matters is project 4. However, it's not so elegant to write with Python, I think I will try myself to achieve an scheme interpreter with Haskell. I don't do the whole course, omitting some solutions.
At last, thanks for CS61A team, the interpreter part is so wonderful.