This is my courses for studying self-study courses. I think I need a repository to summary all the courses.
- CS61A-summer20
This course provides the abstraction for coding. You will
learn the following things:
- How to write program with functional programming.
- Improve your abstraction ability.
- Learn hwo to write a toy scheme interpreter.
- CS61C-summer20
This course is aimed at computer system architecture. You will learn the
following things:
- Basic idea about architecture.
- How to write a matrix multiplication with RISC-V.
- How to design a CPU
- MIT_6.824
This course teaches the distributed system. You will learn the following things:
- Basic idea about the distributed system.
- Some wonderful case studies for distributed system.
- Write Map-Reduce.
- Implementation a distributed KV application with RAFT.
- CS149-fall21
This course teaches the parallel computing. You will learn the following things:
- Basic idea about parallel computing and the architecture for parallelism.
- Analysis the parallel computing code for its correctness and performance.
- Write a c++ task library for parallel computing.
- Use CUDA to write a render application.
- Use OpenMP to do big graph processing.
- Write a matrix multiplication as fast as possible.
- CMU15_445-fa22 This course teaches the implementation of the DBMS and how to write a DB. However, the instructor insists that the repository should be private. So this resository is private, if you want to know the implementation please send the email to me.
- MIT_6.S081-2021 This course teaches the basic idea about OS. You will make the ideas into action.
- CS144 This course teaches the implementation about the TCP/IP. You will implement a TCP/IP stack by yourself.
- CS161-su20
This course teaches the basic idea about the security. You will learn the security
from many perspectives and do it in action.
- How to exploit binary bugs.
- How to implement network attacks.
- How to implement a security shared file system.
- MIT_6.858-sp20
This course teaches how to implement a security application with many papers:
- How to exploit binary bugs.
- How to implement privilege separation.
- How to realize symbolic execution.
- How to implement SUNDR, it is hard.
- CS143 This course teaches you how to implement a compiler in action.
- Data100-fa21 This course teaches you about data science. I think it is a good course to broaden my horizon.
- simpleOS This is a simple uncompleted implementation of OS.
- miniDocker This is a simple implementation docker written by Go. It simply provides the basic functionality.
- Haskell-Programming-From-First-Principle This is my exercises for studying "Haskell Programming From First Principle"
- miniDebugger
This course is aimed at achieving a mini debugger And you will learn
the following things:
- Instruction-level debug
- Source-level debug
- How DWARF works
- ugit This tutorial teaches how to write a git by Python. It is a wonderful tutorial to let you understand the internal of git.
- ugit-cpp This is my own implementation of the git internal written with cpp. Just for fun.
- kilo This tutorial teaches you how to write a text editor in terminal with C.
- rubber-docker This workshop teaches you how to write a simple docker engine by yourself.
- simpleRegex This is a simple implementation of the simple regex