Press tab after --target
and get autocomplete suggestions for your resources and modules.
is a Go program that rely on terraform-config-inspect for the heavy lifting.
So it should work with any Terraform version. You don't need anything else than the binary and the completion scripts provided. But currently you'll need Go 1.21.0 installed to build it yourself.
First you have to install the binary
go install
Then you need to setup add the following to your PowerShell $PROFILE
$__terraformTargetCompleterBlock = {
param($supposedToBeDashDashTarget, $commandAst, $cursorPosition);
$cmdElements = $commandAst.CommandElements;
$currentLength = $cmdElements[0].Value.Length + $cmdElements[1].Value.Length + $cmdElements[2].Value.Length + 2
$lengthAfterSearchString = $currentLength + $cmdElements[3].Value.Length + 2
$targetWordLocation = $cmdElements[2].Value;
if ($targetWordLocation -EQ '--target' -OR $targetWordLocation -EQ '-target' -AND $cursorPosition -GT $currentLength -AND $cursorPosition -LE $lengthAfterSearchString) {
$filter = $cmdElements[3].Value;
if ($filter -EQ "") {
$filter = "*";
else {
$filter += "*";
$completionResults = @();
terraform-target-autocompletion | Where-Object { $_ -like $filter } | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object {
$completionResults += [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($_, $_, 'ParameterValue', $_)
# If no completion items were found, return $null to prevent the trigger of the default filesystem completion.
if (-not $completionResults) {
} else {
Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName 'terraform' -ScriptBlock $__terraformTargetCompleterBlock;
First you have to install the binary
# This will install the binary in your $GOBIN
# Make sure it's in your $PATH
# You can set it with export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
go install
Then you need to setup add the following to your bashrc
This will currently overwrite the terraform -install-autocomplete bash
command so only completion for --target will work. I'm working on a fix for this so you can use both.
terraform_target_autocompletion() {
if [[ ${COMP_CWORD} -eq 2 || ${COMP_CWORD} -eq 3 ]]; then
if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[2]} == "--target" || ${COMP_WORDS[2]} == "-target" ]]; then
if [[ -z ${COMP_WORDS[3]} ]]; then
COMPREPLY=($(terraform-target-autocompletion | grep "$filter" | sort))
complete -F terraform_target_autocompletion terraform