Need to install locally
TLDR: pip3 install --upgrade brother_ql
. Of course, you need python3 too.
Need to have NodeJS (and npm) install locally.
Tips: Use nvm
clone the repo
npm i
Export environnement variable, and don't forget to replace <model>
by one supported by brother_ql
, and <device_address>
(usually /dev/usb/lp0
export BROTHER_QL_MODEL=<model>
export BROTHER_QL_PRINTER=<device_address>
Launch the "server":
node index.js
Get the IP of the local machine where you run de "server".
Send a HTTP POST request in application/json
containing an img
field with a value of an image in base64 data url.
img: ""
Simple docker image and docker-compose for easier setup