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Consider a scenario, where you have 100s of items, sorted alphabetically. Now, when user scrolls through the same, user doesn't know easily which character he/she has arrived, this is where ngx-scrollbar-indicator comes in picture. This will add an indicator to scrollbar, which will show first character of the item in view port.

Table of Contents


  • Consider a scenario, where you have 100s of items, sorted alphabetically. Now, when user scrolls through the same, user doesn't know easily which character he/she has arrived, this is where ngx-scrollbar-indicator comes in picture. This will add an indicator to scrollbar, which will show first character of the item in view port. See screenshot below:

what it does gif


npm i ngx-scrollbar-indicator
  1. Import NgxScrollbarIndicatorModule in your module
import { NgxScrollbarIndicatorModule } from 'ngx-scrollbar-indicator';
  imports: [
  1. import in style.scss
@import "~ngx-scrollbar-indicator/assets/theme.scss";
  1. In your template, wrap you element, in which you want indicator, like below :
<ngx-scrollbar-indicator #indicatorRef>
  <!-- Your element with *ngFor goes here. Do not forget to add attribute 'indicatorItem', which takes string from which first character will be visible in indicator. -->
  • API consists of Options, Properties, Methods and Observers.
  • You can give options according to you need and modify the behavior. All options are optional. Below is full list of options :
Option Type Description
enable boolean Enable or disable indicator. Default : true
changeWhen deprecated EChangeWhen (top/visible) When the indicator should change the character? When character has reach top of container or as soon as it becomes visible in container. Default :
containerHeight number height of the container, without this, scrolling won't work. Default : 500
theme ETheme (circular/waterDrop/squareLike) Visual theme of indicator, totally based on scss. Default : ETheme.waterDrop
position deprecated EPosition (auto/top) Position of indicator, whether to show on top or auto. Default :
showWhen EShowWhen (always/scroll) When to show the indicator, always or onscroll/onhover. Default : EShowWhen.scroll
Name Type Description
all ScrollbarIndicatorItemDirective[] All Items Array
firsts { [x: string]: ScrollbarIndicatorItemDirective } JSON Object with first item of each character
lasts { [x: string]: ScrollbarIndicatorItemDirective } JSON Object with last item of each character
Name Parameters Returns Description
showIndicator - timer, this will help to maintain frequent calls to this function
- duration (default 500), after which indicator will be hidden
Timer, which can be cleared if you are calling this function again within duration. Ideally, you shouldn't call this. This will show the indicator. This will add 'show' class to the indicator. And After duration(default 500), if will remove the same. Calling this won't make any sense if showWhen is set to EShowWhen.always
goToLetter - letter, Character to which viewport should be scrolled
- position (default 'first') Element of that character group, first or last
offsetTop of element or -1 if error Scroll to a specific letter, positioned first of last. Returns the offsetTop if element found, else -1. Works only in Non-IE Browsers.
startCalculation none void Call this only if you are changing options in the run-time. This will calculate arrays and characters, based on options. This is called once after ngAfterContentInit hook.

Once you have imported theme.scss in style.scss, you will hae access to some variables. Be cautios while changing the same:

$indicator-background-color: #2196f3 !default;
$indicator-background-size: 46px !default;
$bubble-font-size: 16px !default;
$bubble-font-weight: 400 !default;
$indicator-font-color: #fff !default;
$indicator-margin-right: 8px !default;
$indicator-container-right: 105% !default;
$indicator-right: 105% !default;
$indicator-square-like-border-radius: 4px !default;
  • This project uses the Angular CLI for building the library.
$ ng build ngx-scrollbar-indicator


$ npm run build_lib
  • If you identify any errors in the library, or have an idea for an improvement, please open an issue.

I would like to give few credits, as this is my first Angular Library.

  • Thanks
  • Inspiration : Contacts app in Android.
  • Use semantic-release
  • Compatibilities with dates, like a time line
  • Show custom number of characters in indicator
  • Add example with Angular Material
  • Add more examples with bootstrap

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