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README for CATANA (v1.0)

Time-stamp: <2018-11-28> by Cheng-Kai Shiau


In higher eukaryotes, the generation of RNA isoforms,
including alternative splicing events (AS) and alternative
transcript products (AT), from one single gene increases
functional and regulatory diversities. Identification of
these RNA isoforms is essential for genomic studies.
However, no tool can provide comprehensive alternative event
annotation including both AS and AT. Here we develop a tool
named Comprehensive Alternative Transcripts Atlas based oN
Annotation (CATANA) to identify all 10 known AS and AT


The only one requirement is Perl 5.8 or later version.
Additional packages, modules, or dependency are Not required!

Please check the following website for installation of Perl:

Usage of CATANA

  perl [-i] <Input GTF/GFF3 file name>
                 [-o] <Folder name for output, optional>
                 [-f] <format of gene annotation, optional>
                 [-l] <Log file name, optional>
                 [-d] <Debug message, optional>
  • Options
-i/--infile FILENAME

This is the only one required parameter for CATANA. The
gene annotation stored in GTF/GFF format will be parsed.
CATANA will automatically recognize which format it is to
prevent manual error.

-o/--outdir DIRNAME

This is optional parameter. The default output directory
for holding all 10 alternative events output is named
'alternative_event_annotation'. CATANA will stop if the
folder exists to prevent any accidental mistake.


Assign the format of gene annotation. The default is auto.
CATANA can automatic guess format of gene annotation file
by having "=" symbol or not. However, after analyses of
some transcriptome reconstruction tools, the output GTF
file might contain "=" symbols. In this case, the assignment
of format is required.


This is optional parameter. By default, the log will not
be reported. The log file is created when the log file name
is given.


This is optional parameter. By default, the debug message
is turned off. Set this parameter to 1 to dump out debug


perl -i manually_created_alternative_events/simulated_SE.gff3 -l test.txt

This command execute CATANA to process simulated skipped
exon example GFF3 contained under folder named
'manually_created_alternative_events' with default rather
than given output folder name, and then dump processing log
into file named 'test.txt'.

Supplementary tools under CATANA

There are two tools under CATANA folder. One is named
'', and the other one is GFF3 simulator.


'' is a BASH shell script using 'awk'
to calculate the number of unique gene names under the
given output folder.

  1. GFF3 simulator

GFF3 simulator is separated into 10 short R scripts. Each
R script is used to simulate a specific AS or AT event.
We have already generated a set of all 10 AS and AT events
with their graphic gene models shown by IGV. All the R
scripts, simulated GFF files and figures are stored under
folder named 'manually_created_alternative_events'.


We selected a gene ENSMUSG00000005364 as an example for
illustration of CATANA workflow. The gene structure stored
in GFF3 format was extracted from Ensembl mouse v90 annotation.
The file could be found at example/ENSMUSG00000005364.gff3

From IGV, the snapshot of the gene structure:

In the bottom of the figure, we marked the regions of known
alternative events. Of note, the gene is at negative strand
(as shown by arrow head marks on the blue line by IGV),
so that the ATSS and AFE should be at the right-hand side
of the figure and ATTS should be at the left-hand side.

  • How to use CATANA

To use CATANA for annotating alternative events, please use
the following command:

perl -i example/ENSMUSG00000005364.gff3 -o example/annotation -f gff -l example/annotation/annotation.log

This command tells CATANA to:

(1) use file example/ENSMUSG00000005364.gff3 as input file

(2) create a folder named example/annotation and put
alternative annotation files under the folder

(3) the input file is in GFF/GFF3 format

(4) dump the processing information into the file named

  • Status tracking

During running, CATANA would pop up the following message
for status tracking:

Create folder: /example/annotation

Loading file example/ENSMUSG00000005364.gff3...
Loading file example/ENSMUSG00000005364.gff3 Finished

Computing exon usage patterns...
Computing exon usage patterns finished

Detecting alternative events...
Detecting alternative events finished

Merging identical alternative events...
Merging identical alternative events finished

Generating annotation file for alternative events...

Total gene number: 1
1 of 1 (100.00%)
  • The format of result GFF

CATANA separates alternative events by three hierarchical
labels, including gene, mRNA, and exon. The details are
listed in the following as well as the inclusion form part
inside example/annotation/SE.gff
for example:

(1) gene label holds different alternative events happened
in different or the same genes. The event ID is created
as combination of Ensembl gene ID, alternative event
type, and ordinal number beginning from zero. In this
example, in the 9th column a unique "ID" for GFF is
created as "gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0". The "name"
and "gid" labels hold the original Ensembl gene ID.

chr6	SE	gene	106715619	106731931	.	-	.	ID=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0;Name=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364;gid=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364

(2) mRNA labels separate inclusion form from exclusion form.
Inclusion form is labeled as A, while exclusion form is B.
In this case, the inclusion forms of SE under gene:ENSMUSG00000005364
are ENSMUST00000167925 and ENSMUST00000204659, while the
exclusion form is ENSMUST00000205004. In the 9th column,
CATANA creates a unique "ID" in GFF3 for inclusion as
"gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0.A". The "Parent" holds the
parental ID under this hierarchical structure, so here
is "gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0" same as the "ID" in gene
label. The "gid" stores the Ensembl gene ID. The "tid" is
merged transcript IDs of the two inclusion forms as
separated by comma symbol.

chr6	SE	mRNA	106715619	106731931	.	-	.	ID=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0.A;Parent=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0;gid=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364;tid=transcript:ENSMUST00000167925,transcript:ENSMUST00000204659

(3) exon labels hold detailed genomic structure of exons,
same as normal GFF3 file did. In addition, for separation
of each exon, the exon ID is starting from "up" for
upstream (5’ directional) shared exon, ordinal numbers
for variable exons, and "dn" for downstream (3’ directional)
shared exon. Because GFF3 requires gene structure been
reported by genome coordination rather than 5' to 3' direction,
In this case the first reported exon is the 3' exon, which
has "ID" as "gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0.A.dn". The "Parent"
holds the parental mRNA lable ID as "gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0.A".
The "gid" holds the Ensembl gene ID. The "tid" stores the
combination of the two inclusion forms transcript ID as

chr6	SE	exon	106715619	106715703	.	-	.	ID=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0.A.dn;Parent=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0.A;gid=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364;tid=transcript:ENSMUST00000167925,transcript:ENSMUST00000204659
chr6	SE	exon	106716697	106716790	.	-	.	ID=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0.A.SE1;Parent=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0.A;gid=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364;tid=transcript:ENSMUST00000167925,transcript:ENSMUST00000204659
chr6	SE	exon	106731793	106731931	.	-	.	ID=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0.A.up;Parent=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.SE.0.A;gid=gene:ENSMUSG00000005364;tid=transcript:ENSMUST00000167925,transcript:ENSMUST00000204659


  • Note: The format design is following MISO.

  • The log file

In addition to standard output GFF3 files, CATANA also provides
a summary file when invoking "-l" parameter. In the example log file
, the first few lines look like:

CMD: -i example/ENSMUSG00000005364.gff3 -o /home/shiauck/test/annotation_ENSMUSG00000005364 -f gff3 -l /home/shiauck/test/annotation_ENSMUSG00000005364/annotation.log
Timp stamp: Wed Aug 15 10:46:37 2018

Total gene number: 1

gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.AFE.0	transcript:ENSMUST00000167925	transcript:ENSMUST00000205004	AFE	201000100	-
gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.AFE.1	transcript:ENSMUST00000204659	transcript:ENSMUST00000167925	AFE	2010110	-
gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.ATSS.0	transcript:ENSMUST00000167925	transcript:ENSMUST00000205004	ATSS	201000100	-
gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.ATSS.1	transcript:ENSMUST00000204659	transcript:ENSMUST00000167925	ATSS	2010110	-
gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.ATSS.2	transcript:ENSMUST00000204659	transcript:ENSMUST00000205004	ATSS	210	-
gene:ENSMUSG00000005364.ATTS.0 transcript:ENSMUST00000204659 transcript:ENSMUST00000205004 ATTS 012 -

CATANA reports the running parameters, time stamp, and the
number of genes CATANA detected. Then CATANA reports a
tab-delimited tabular summary form for quick tracking.
The schema of the form:
(1) gene name
(2) transcript ID(s) of inclusion isoform
(3) transcript ID(s) of exclusion isoform
(4) alternative event type
(5) exon usage pattern
(6) strand


Q: How to quantify differential splicing events with RNA-seq data?
A: CATANA is designed for comprehensive identification of AS/AT events.
To quantify differential splicing events, we suggest you to use MISO (Mixture of Isoforms).
The AS/AT annotation generated by CATANA is capable of being used by MISO.


Shiau CK, Huang JH, and Tsai HK. CATANA: a tool for generating comprehensive annotations of alternative transcript events. Bioinformatics, bty795.


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