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NLLB-200 text translator.


  1. Enter input text to "Text A".
  2. If "Language A" is empty or not matched, replace "Language A" manually.
  3. Enter output language to "Language B".
  4. Click "Translate A to B" button.

TXT files

  1. Type input path to "Directory A".
  2. Type output path to "Directory B".
  3. If "Language A" is empty or not matched, replace "Language A" manually.
  4. Type output language to "Language B".
  5. Click "Translate A to B" button.


Translate Type

  • NLLB-200: Use NLLB-200 model (Take a lot of time for downloading in first translate.)
  • google
  • deepl
  • papago
  • yandex
  • bing: Disabled
  • reverso

Translate Unit

  • All: Disabled
  • Paragraph: Default
  • Line:
  • Sentence: Slow

Translate from clipboard

  • Disable
  • Enable: Auto translate copied text.


  • Add all NLLB models.
  • Add translateByLine.
  • Add reverso.
  • Add txt preview.
  • Web timeout: 30s => 10s
  • Add translate from clipboard.
