NLLB-200 text translator.
- Enter input text to "Text A".
- If "Language A" is empty or not matched, replace "Language A" manually.
- Enter output language to "Language B".
- Click "Translate A to B" button.
- Type input path to "Directory A".
- Type output path to "Directory B".
- If "Language A" is empty or not matched, replace "Language A" manually.
- Type output language to "Language B".
- Click "Translate A to B" button.
- NLLB-200: Use NLLB-200 model (Take a lot of time for downloading in first translate.)
- deepl
- papago
- yandex
- bing: Disabled
- reverso
- All: Disabled
- Paragraph: Default
- Line:
- Sentence: Slow
- Disable
- Enable: Auto translate copied text.
- Add all NLLB models.
- Add translateByLine.
- Add reverso.
- Add txt preview.
- Web timeout: 30s => 10s
- Add translate from clipboard.