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Fully managed microservice hosting for Laravel


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Interact with Shipmate from your Laravel code


You can install the package via composer:

composer require shipmate-io/laravel-shipmate

Job queue

Add a new queue connection to your config/queue.php file:

'shipmate' => [
    'driver' => 'shipmate',
    'default_queue' => 'default',
    'queues' => [
        'default' => [
            'name' => env('SHIPMATE_DEFAULT_JOB_QUEUE_NAME'),
            'worker_url' => env('SHIPMATE_DEFAULT_JOB_QUEUE_WORKER_URL'),

Update the QUEUE_CONNECTION environment variable:


Message queue

The message queue are configured in the config/message-queue.php file.

return [

     * The message queues that are available to your service.
    'queues' => [
        'default' => env('SHIPMATE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_QUEUE_NAME'),

     * The file within your code base that defines your message handlers.
    'message_handlers' => base_path('routes/messages.php'),

     * Whether to register the routes required to handle the messages from the message queues.
    'register_routes' => true,


You can publish this file by running the following artisan command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="shipmate-config"

A message is a simple class that implements the Shipmate\LaravelShipmate\MessageQueue\ShouldPublish interface.

use Shipmate\LaravelShipmate\MessageQueue\ShouldPublish;

class UserCreated implements ShouldPublish
    public function publishOn(): string
        return 'default';

    public function publishAs(): string
        return 'user.created';

    public function publishWith(): array
        return [
            'first_name' => 'John',
            'last_name' => 'Doe',

To publish a message to the message queue, you can dispatch it using Laravel's event helper.

event(new UserCreated);

The message queue delivers this message to the other services in your application as an HTTP request. To accept this request, the package automatically registers the following routes in your service.

Route::post('shipmate/handle-message', [Shipmate\LaravelShipmate\MessageQueue\MessageQueueController::class, 'handleMessage']);
Route::post('shipmate/handle-failed-message', [Shipmate\LaravelShipmate\MessageQueue\MessageQueueController::class, 'handleFailedMessage']);

Next, the package looks in the routes/messages.php file of your service for a handler that corresponds with the type of the message. The contents of the file should look like this:


return [

    'user.created' => HandleUserCreatedMessage::class,

    'user.deleted' => [HandleUserDeletedMessage::class, 'handle'],


The file must return an associative array in which:

  • a key is the message type that the application wants to receive
  • a value is the class within your application that handles the incoming message of this type

A message handler can be defined in two ways:

  1. By referencing a class

    'user.created' => HandleUserCreatedMessage::class,

    In this case, the package looks for a public method in the class that accepts a Shipmate\Shipmate\MessageQueue\Message as argument. This method can be called anything, as shown here:

    use Shipmate\Shipmate\MessageQueue\Message;
    class HandleUserCreatedMessage
        public function __invoke(Message $message): void
            $firstName = $message->payload['first_name'];
    class HandleUserCreatedMessage
        public function handle(Message $message): void
            $firstName = $message->payload['first_name'];
    class HandleUserCreatedMessage
        public function execute(Message $message): void
            $firstName = $message->payload['first_name'];
  2. By referencing a class and method

    'user.created' => [HandleUserCreatedMessage::class, 'handle'],

If no handler is registered for a particular type of message, the message is discarded.

Storage bucket

Add a new disk to your config/filesystems.php file:

'shipmate' => [
    'driver' => 'shipmate',
    'bucket' => env('STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME'),
    'visibility' => 'public', // public or private

Store and retrieve files from your storage bucket:

$disk = Storage::disk('shipmate');

$disk->put('avatars/1', $fileContents);
$exists = $disk->exists('file.jpg');
$time = $disk->lastModified('file1.jpg');
$disk->copy('old/file1.jpg', 'new/file1.jpg');
$disk->move('old/file1.jpg', 'new/file1.jpg');
$url = $disk->url('folder/my_file.txt');
$url = $disk->temporaryUrl('folder/my_file.txt', now()->addMinutes(30));
$disk->setVisibility('folder/my_file.txt', 'public');

See for full list of available functionality.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Fully managed microservice hosting for Laravel







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