This is a series of Python/programming related seminars held by Kafeibreak participants. Up to now the scheduled topics can be catagorized into three major sections as following:
This section is a systematic introduction of Python to beginner-level pythonists.
Contributors: Chen Jianhang, Feng Haoran, Hu Bo, Shi Fangzheng
A deeper introduction to the Python language
This topic covers stuffs such as the strengh and weakness of Python, what it can do, some fancy showcases as well.
A good practice of working with Python (1)
Style guide & non-beginner level concepts and functions.
A good practice of working with Python (2)
Environment, e.g. virtual environment, ipython, jupyter.
Objective-oriented/Functional programming
How to build a Python package (1)
What is a package, the Python package import system, package acquiring systems.
How to build a Python package (2)
A software engineering aspect: modularization, documenting, version control.
How to build a Python package (3)
Testing and deployment: pytest, Travis CI, etc.
How to build a Python package (4)
Pulishing: pip, Github, etc.
Package based application of Python in research work.
Contributors: Call for contributors now
Numerical python: numpy & scipy
Integration with high-performance languages: C, Fortran, C++
Visualizing (1): Matplotlib
Visualizing (2): seaboard & MayaVi
Building a GUI: PyQt, PySide
Tensor Flow & PyTorch
Python working with databases
Web-server: Django, Flask
Shell command in python -- Speaker: Xiaotong Guo
Free topics, programming related.
Git & Github
Personal website
Time-domain data analysis
Data fitting