To create a library management system that is capable to issue books and let consumers check different books and their titles categorically. It keeps track of all the details about the books in the library, their price, status, and the total number of books available in the Library.
The file bestsellers.csv has been scrapeed using the beautiful soup library. It contains 20 bestseller books on amazon.The code for web scrapping is in the file amazon_bestseller.csv
SQL file contains seven tables and 6 of them contains manual data that has been inserted into the table using sql commands.bestsellers.csv file has been used in the bestseller table in the sql file.It has been imported to the sql file using sql.
The concept behind this project is to create a library management system that is capable to issue books and let consumers check different books and their titles categorically. It keeps track of all the details about the books in the library, their price, status, and the total number of books available in the Library. The user will find this automated system easy instead of using the manual writing system.
Features needed –
It has to be user-friendly.
The Library Management System should have an entry for each book along with the details.