Welcome to my GitHub homepage!
- 🎓 I'm a graduate of WHPU with a major in Software Engineering.
- 💻 My expertise centers around back-end development, primarily with Go and Python, where I focus on an High-Performance Task Orchestration & Management System.
- 💻 Additionally, I extend my contributions to front-end development, specifically utilizing Vue, to craft intuitive and responsive user interfaces.
- 🏢 Currently, I am working at Horizon Robotics.
- 📚 You can find some of the technical articles I share regularly on shiweiyang-Yuque and shiwyang-Leetcode.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm not just a developer; I'm also an electric guitar player! Check out my performance video to see me in action.
- 📫 Feel free to reach out to me via email at yshiwi@foxmail.com or by opening an issue in any of my repositories.
Stay curious and keep coding!