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TDM - Typed data models

A TypeScript transformation framework. Highly extensible, super typed.

Given a data structure, instructions and some logic we can do a lot.
Transform an object into an http request and and incoming payload into an object or maybe a model into a form?

Transformation can be cosmetic or even 1:1 but can also completely change the way an object looks like.

TDM is is a collection of libraries that use Models, Meta-Programming and adapters to abstract away mundane by natively describing schematic rules that translate into operations.

export class MyModel {
  id: number;
  name: string;

In words, the code above says:
There is a data structure / Model called MyModel that has 2 properties: id and name.
MyModel is strict (@Exclude) so only selected properties can play the transformation game.
The property id is also the identity (@Identity()).

Reviewing the opening statement:

Given a data structure, instructions and some logic we can do a lot.

Our data structure / Model is the class. The instructions / Meta-Programming are part of the model defined via decorators.

We can now use logic units (adapters) to transform the model.
We can change the logic units or build custom logic.
We can extends the required instructions to supports more complex logic units.

TDM is built on top of the low level libraries @tdm/tixin, tdm/transformation, @tdm/core.

TDM relays on adapters, currently the only adapter is for Angular 2.

Status - Alpha.

Main packages:


Extensible metadata storage and a Class transformation library (serialize / deserialize)

export class MyClass {
  id: number;
  name: string;

Supports custom mapping (transforming) implementations. Comes with a built in direct mapper. Direct mapping means 1:1 mapping, no schema or document structure.

A JSON API mapper can be used in @tdm/json-api-mapper

Create custom mappers by implementing the required interface.

@tdm/transformation comes with basic relationship (@Relation) support.


Core library, extends @tdm/transformation. @tdm/core comes with a lot of features...

  • Customizable Action based commands
  • Build in CRUD actions
  • Advanced Relationships (BelongsTo, Owns)
  • Static/instance level Actions (e.g.: query is always static)
  • Hooks for built in actions
  • Adapter architecture
  • Event stream (using observables)
  • DAO pattern
  • Active records pattern with full Type support. (plugin, need to opt in)
  • more..

@tdm/angular-forms-mapper (name might change)

Map data models defined with @tdm/transformation and @tdm/core into and back from @angular/forms FormGroup / FormArray

@tdm/angular-http (name might change)

An adapter implementation for the angular (2) library.

With @tdm/angular-http Model classes become Resource much like in angular 1 ng-resource but now with full typescript Type support for model properties, methods and Active record methods.

This is an Active record implementation, you can also go pure and use a DAO leaving your models clean.

  endpoint: '/api/users/:id?',
  urlParams: {
    limit: '5' // not in endpoint so will fallback to query string
  noBuild: true
class User_ {

  @UrlParam({ // optionally set what methods to use the param on.
    methods: [HttpActionMethodType.Get,
  }) id: number; // this will go into the "endpoint" from the instance!

    validation: { // custom validation
      name: 'test-validator',
      validate(ctx) {
        return false;
      errorMessage(ctx) {
        return 'validation error';
  username: string;

    alias: 'motto_abc' // server returns motto_abc
  motto: string;

  constructor() { }

  @Hook({event: 'before', action: '$refresh'})
  bfRef() {

  @HttpAction({ // custom HTTP actions
    method: HttpActionMethodType.Get,
    raw: {
      handler: User_.prototype.rawDeserializedHandler,
      deserialize: true
  rawDeserialized: (options?: HttpActionOptions) => RestMixin<User_>;
  private rawDeserializedHandler(resp: ExecuteResponse, options?: HttpActionOptions) {

    method: HttpActionMethodType.Get,
    raw: User_.prototype.rawHandler
  raw: (options?: HttpActionOptions) => RestMixin<User_>;
  private rawHandler(resp: ExecuteResponse, options?: HttpActionOptions) {

  @Hook({event: 'before', action: 'query'}) // static hooks (for static actions, like query)
  static bfQuery(this: ActiveRecordCollection<RestMixin<User_>>) {
      .then( coll => {
        console.log(`BeforeQuery-AfterQuery: got ${coll.collection.length}`)

  @ExtendAction({ // extending a built in action, useful if you need the user to provide more params)
    pre: (ctx: ExecuteContext<any>, id: IdentityValueType, a:number, b: number, options: HttpActionOptions) => {[ctx.adapterStore.identity] = id;
      return options;
  static find: (id: IdentityValueType, a:number, b: number, options?: HttpActionOptions) => RestMixin<User_>;

export const User = RestMixin(User_);
export type User = RestMixin<User_>;

You can also do

  endpoint: '/api/users/:id?',
  urlParams: { // there are hard coded params
    limit: '5' // not in path so will go to query string (?param=15)
export class User extends RestMixin(User_) { }

TDM supports multiple ways to declare a Resource, you can see them all in src/demo/resource/Users
Using RestMixin is mandatory, at least until the TypeScript team will implement type reflection for ClassDecorator

@tdm/angular-http Supports AOT but currently Resources are not injectable!

You can then use the resources:

User.find(2).username;                             // OK
const user: User = new User();                     // OK = 15;
user.$refresh().username;                                          // OK
user.$refresh().abcd;                                                // SHOULD ERROR

// Using async system with promises:
user.$ u => );                                   // OK
user.$ u => u.f34 );                                  // SHOULD ERROR

// hadnling collections, coll.collection is of type User[]
UserBaseClass.query().$ => coll.collection );     // OK
UserBaseClass.query().$ => coll.sdfd );           // SHOULD ERROR

// Using async system with observables

// `$events` is an observable of resource events (succes, failure, cancelled etc...)

// Cacnelling 

// disconnecting all observables

// busy (in-flight) indicator
user.$ar.busy // true / false

// busy (in-flight) indicator STREAM
user.$ar.busy$.subscribe(...) // true / false

The $ar object is an optional extension, you can opt in via import '@tdm/core/add/active-record-state';

The promise extension next() is optional extension, you can opt in via import '@tdm/core/add/active-record-state/next';