myBoard is a web application built using React.js. It serves as a demonstration project, showcasing various features related to lists and notes. Let’s dive into the details:
- Users can create multiple lists within the app.
- Each list allows you to add and manage individual notes.
- Background Pictures: Customize your lists by setting background pictures. You can choose from default options.
- Note Prioritization: Assign priority levels (ranging from 0 to 4) to each note.
- Color-Coded Steps: Each priority level corresponds to a different color. This visual distinction helps users quickly identify the importance of each note.
- Edit Notes: Modify your notes as needed.
- Delete Completed Notes: When a task is done, easily delete it from the list.
Project is created with:
- CSS (BootStrap)
- JavaScript (React.js, JQuary)
Made with ♥ by Ahmad Shoaib Norouzi