The Repository contains a set of ruby sample scripts for accessing various Amazon Web Services (aws)
Uses aws-sdk to upload a image file to a S3 bucket. The script uses bucket's lifecycle configuration to provide the Object
expiration date.
Uses fog gem to upload a file as an archive to a AWS Glacier Vault. Provide the file name as
a first argument to the script. Script expects archive name as its first argument
Uses aws sdk to delete an archive from AWS Glacier Vault. Provide the file name as
a first argument to the script. Script expects archive name as its first argument
aws_glacier.yml is a required configuration files to use the above scripts.
Copy sampleconfig.yml as aws_glacier.yml in the config directory and replace with valid values. For using the scripts, the IAM user should have AmazonS3FullAccess and AmazonGlacierFullAccess policy.