I'm a Data Scientist who's passionately curious about the practicality of things around me. I love building data-driven solutions for complex business problems.
My fascination with computers led me to pursue a degree in Computer Science and then my curiosity directed me towards Data Science.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on MLOps, Data Engineering, and LLMs.
- 🧠 I'm learning RLHF and LLMOPs.
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Engineering Projects.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with Python for Finance.
- 💬 Ask me about Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Big Data.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm a Gamer turned Programmer.
- ✉️ You can contact me at shrikantnaidu777@gmail.com