Implementing and comparing various techniques for building a Recommender System.
Loosely speaking, there are 2 broad ways:
- Nearest Neighbour Approach Find the k (as required) nearest neighbours to a given point. Then the characteristics of that point can be approximated to some function of the characteristics of the neighbours. This is quite intitive, but not always necessarily correct.
- Factorization Approach As the Netflix Prize competition has demonstrated, matrix factorization models are superior to classic nearest-neighbor techniques for producing product recommendations, allowing the incorporation of additional information such as implicit feedback, temporal effects, and confidence levels.
Packages required to run the code:
- numpy
- pandas
- math
- time
- scipy
- csv
After downloading the above packages, download this folder and make it the working directory. Then run the corresponding files for the differnet approaches:
- for Item-Item Collaborative filtering
- --for Item-Item Collaborative filtering with baseline approach
- --for User-User Collaborative filtering
- --for User-User Collaborative filtering with baseline approach
- Latent Factor --for Latent Factor Model
The comparison for all these in mentioned in the design doc. Dataset was taken from