Fetch - iOS Coding Challenge
Please write a native iOS app that allows users to browse recipes using the following API: https://themealdb.com/api.php
There are 2 endpoints that your app should utilize:
- https://themealdb.com/api/json/v1/1/filter.php?c=Dessert for fetching the list of meals in the Dessert category.
- https://themealdb.com/api/json/v1/1/lookup.php?i=MEAL_ID for fetching the meal details by its ID.
The user should be shown the list of meals in the Dessert category, sorted alphabetically. When the user selects a meal, they should be taken to a detail view that includes:
- Meal name
- Instructions
- Ingredients/measurements
Please read the following guidelines carefully before starting the coding challenge:
- Asynchronous code must be written using Swift Concurrency (async/await).
- Be sure to filter out any null or empty values from the API before displaying them.
- UI/UX design is not what you’re being evaluated on, but the app should be user friendly and should take basic app design principles into account.
- Your project should compile using the latest version of Xcode.