#Big Data Programming Project 2 Read me file
#SPARK 1.Create spark master and worker on your VM using following commands:
sudo docker run --name spark-master -h spark-master -e ENABLE_INIT_DAEMON=false -d bde2020/spark-master:2.4.4-hadoop2.7
sudo docker run --name spark-worker-1 --link spark-master:spark-master -e ENABLE_INIT_DAEMON=false -d bde2020/spark-worker:2.4.4-hadoop2.7
If worker and master already exist then just start them using below commands:
sudo docker start spark-master sudo docker start spark-worker-1
Start the spark-master bash using below command:
sudo docker exec -it spark-master
Copy the PageData.scala present in the 'spark' folder into directory containing the dataset. (change permissions if required)
From the directory start the spark-shell. (/spark/bin/spark-shell) (this might change depending on your directory structure)
In the scala command line execute following commands:
:load PageData.scala PageData.main(Array())
#Graph Processing
Repeat steps 1-3 as mentioned above. Repeat only 2-3 if master and worker already exist.
Copy PatentGraph.scala present in the 'graph' folder into directory containing the dataset.(change permissions if required)
Go to directory /spark/conf. Create a file spark-defaults.conf and add the following line to it:
spark.jars.packages graphframes:graphframes:0.2.0-spark2.0-s_2.11
From the directory containing scala code and datset start the spark-shell. (/spark/bin/spark-shell) (this might change depending on your directory structure)
In the scala command line execute following commands:
:load PatentGraph.scala