Room Booking Portal allows users to books rooms in IIIT Hyderabad. Portal include rooms like CR1, CR2, SH1 etc.
- Browser
- php
- js
- html
- css
- New user just need to register through the portal's home page.
- After registering user will be provided a unique userId and password.
- User need to login to access the site using the userId and password.
- Users are advised not to share their password with anyone to maintain security.
- After logging in user can now freely access the site.
- User will get exited from the portal after logging out.
- In order to book a room user is first required to log into the site.
- Go to New Booking option on the navigation panel.
- List of all rooms available for booking will appear on the screen. User need to select a room from the list.
- Users can also check-out the images through the Gallery section on the navigation panel.
- Now after specifying check-in and check-out date user can click on the submit button.
- Booking will be finalised after conformation from the administrator.
- Users can check their previous and current bookings in My Bookings.
-Saksham Gupta
- Users can send us mails/comments regarding any issue they are facing. They can also give their feedback using the contact us section.
- A bug report section is also available on the navigation panel in case anyone finds a bug in the application.