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Advent Of Code 2019

A bunch of samples to help solve the Advent of code 2019 puzzles.

Including a massively over-engineered C# program (Dotnet Core 3 - but probably works with most versions so long as you change the TargetFramework attribute in aoc.csproj) to run each days code.

As it's Dotnet Core it's cross platform so even beardy (other forms of facial hair are available) Linux users can have a go 😉

C# Stuff

Install Dotnet Core

Windows, Linux (including Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)), Mac

or (as of 2019-12-02)


Linux & WSL

(Assuming you have done the one-time registration of the Microsoft key and feed as per the installation instructions above)

$> sudo apt-get install dotnet-sdk-3.1


  • Dunno. Read the instructions.

Once Dotnet Core is installed

Clone the repo and go to the repository root directory.

To run code for current day (if we're still in December):

$> dotnet run

or, to run code for a specific day(s):

$> dotnet run aoc <day_no> [<day_no> [<day_no>]]

or, for every day so far:

$> dotnet run aoc *      // On Windows only
$> dotnet run aoc -*
$> dotnet run aoc --all

Go stuff

Warning: "Go" beginner alert.

To run the Go samples (where XX is 01, 02 etc):

$> cd /<repo_root>/dayXX
$> go run ./dayXX.go

LINQPad stuff

*.linq files are LINQPad C# scripts.