A tictactoe environment to use with OpenAI gym.
Python version used = 3.8
See requirements.txt for dependencies.
Clone/(download and unarchive) the repo. From the parent directory, type the following line in the terminal.
pip install -e tictactoe
Use it like a regular gym environment.
env = gym.make('tic_tac_toe:tic_tac_toe-v0')
There are 4 environments in this package.
- Stochastic environment (default).
- Semi-stochastic environment.
- Minimax environment.
- DQN environment.
Stochastic environment:
env = gym.make('tic_tac_toe:tic_tac_toe-v0')
env = gym.make('tic_tac_toe:tic_tac_toe-stochastic-v0')
The environment selects action randomly.
Semi-stochastic environment:
env = gym.make('tic_tac_toe:tic_tac_toe-epsilon_stochastic-v0')
The environment selects action according to an ai engine (Minimax) with probability epsilon (0.7) and selects a random action with probability 1 - epsilon.
Minimax environment:
env = gym.make('tic_tac_toe:tic_tac_toe-minimax-v0')
The environment selects action according to the Minimax algorithm.
DQN environment:
env = gym.make('tic_tac_toe:tic_tac_toe-dqn-v0')
The environment selects action according to a pre-trained DQN agent.
env = gym.make('tic_tac_toe:tic_tac_toe-epsilon_stochastic-v0')
done = False
while not done:
....human_move = int(input("Choose a move from " + str(env.get_legal_moves())))
....obs, reward, done, info = env.step(human_move)
+1 for win, -1 for loss, 0 for draw and all other states except when the selected action has already been selected previously. Then the reward is -1.
Note that, the render method of this environment works in 'ansi' mode and returns a string. Just print the string to get a visualization of the current state of the game.