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Shyim edited this page Aug 4, 2022 · 12 revisions


  • Linux or Windows. macOS is currently not supported due VirtioFS issue
    • Snap installation of docker is not supported
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose v2 (Follow to install an updated version)
  • The Linux User UID is 1000. (Run id -u to check)
  • The Linux user needs to be in the docker group
    • Command: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    • Restart your system
  • Following packages were installed: dialog and jq
    • Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt install dialog jq
    • Arch: sudo pacman -S dialog jq

Linux Install

  • Clone the shopware-docker repository to your local machine:
    • git clone ~/Documents/shopware-docker
  • Create a symlink to your PATH sudo ln -s /home/$USER/Documents/shopware-docker/swdc /usr/local/bin/swdc
  • Optional on Bash: Add the following to your ~/.bashrc to have autocompletion:
    • source ~/Documents/shopware-docker/
  • Start the containers swdc up

Windows Install

See Guide