Commands for session related tasks.
mkdir -p ~/.tmux/
git clone ~/.tmux/session-finder
M-p Open session finder (uses fzf)
M-` Go to next session
M-~ Go to previous session
M-q Go to the last session (toggle back and forth)
Print a pretty list of session names to be used by status-left:
./session-finder.bash status
Start fzf and find or create a named sessions:
./session-finder.bash finder
Switch to the last session:
./session-finder.bash last
Switch to the next session:
./session-finder.bash next
Switch to the previous session:
./session-finder.bash prev
Suggested config:
set-option -g status-left ' #(./session-finder.bash status) '
bind-key -n 'M-p' new-window './session-finder.bash finder'
bind-key -n 'M-`' run -b './session-finder.bash next'
bind-key -n 'M-~' run -b './session-finder.bash prev'
bind-key -n 'M-q' run -b './session-finder.bash last'
Read my blog post for more information.