An app to play the game President & Bomber AKA Two Rooms and a Boom. Made using Flutter and Firebase.
See the full page here -
The game can have up to 30 players with several different roles each with a different objective and despite all of this the game manges to keep the entire run time to less than 15 minutes for an entire game.
Two definitive teams - red and blue. The red team's aim is to kill the President by ensuring the Bomber is in the same room as the President at the end of the game. The blue team's aim is to do the opposite, ensure the president is not in the same room as the Bomber at the end of the game. There are also "grey" roles that are not on a definitive team but affect the game in their own unique way with a separate objective.
The game comprises of 3 rounds, each shorter than the last. Starting at 3 minutes, the rounds decrease by a minute (3 -> 2 -> 1). However, this can vary depending on the number of players. The group is split into half with each half going into a different room and having 3 minutes and then 2 etc, to discuss. At the end of each round, the leader (who is appointed at some point in the time allotted) decides to send someone to the other room.
The few elements of the game are still difficult to organise, regardless of location (in today's climate of virtual play). To play the game, a group would require:
1. A medium to distribute roles
2. A timer
Using a deck of cards can prove to be confusing if a group was to incorporate some of the unique roles the game has to offer. Alongside this, each room needs to have a timer that ideally, would be started at the same time to avoid a room having potentially more time than the other to discuss because the timer was not started at the correct time.