A sine wave or sinusoid is a mathematical curve that describes a smooth periodic oscillation. A sine wave is a continuous wave.
y(t) = Asin(2Πf + φ)
- Amplitude(A): The amplitude of a sine wave is the maximum distance it ever reaches from zero. Since the sine function varies from +1 to -1, the amplitude is one.
- Frequency(f): The frequency of a sine wave is the number of complete cycles that happen every second.
- Wavelength: The wavelength is the spatial period of a periodic wave the distance over which the wave's shape repeats.
wavelength and wavenumber are related to velocity and frequency as: k = 2Π/λ = 2Πf/v = ω/v
Here Demo
- Read the data .txt file and draw Data Table (JavaScript,HTML5)
- Read the data .csv file and draw Data Table (JavaScript,HTML5)
- Read the data XML file and draw Data Table (JavaScript,HTML5)
- Read JSON Data and draw Data Table (JavaScript,HTML5)
- Develop the simple bar chart (JavaScript,HTML5 Canvas)
- Read the data .txt file and draw Simple Bar Chart (JavaScript,HTML5 Canvas)
- Read the data .csv file and draw Column Bar Chart (JavaScript,HTML5 Canvas)
- Read the data XML file and draw Simple Chart (JavaScript,HTML5 Canvas)
- Read JSON Data and draw Simple Chart (JavaScript,HTML5 Canvas)
- Showing the data as a simple column chart (JavaScript,D3.js,SVG)
- Showing the data as a stacked column chart (JavaScript,canvas.js)
- Showing the Data as a column chart for four age group (JavaScript,canavs.js)
- Showing the data as a Single Line chart (JavaScript,canavs.js)
- Showing the sales data of Products as a Multi Line chart (JavaScript,canavs.js)
- Showing the data as a Single Pie chart (JavaScript,canavs.js)
- Showing the data as a Multiple Pie chart (JavaScript,canavs.js)
- Showing the data as a Simple Bar Chart (JavaScript,canavs.js)
- Showing the data as a Multiple Bar Chart (JavaScript,canavs.js)
- Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like a Line chart (JavaScript,Google Chart API)
- Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like a Bar chart (JavaScript,Google Chart API)
- Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like a Pie chart (JavaScript,Google Chart API)
- Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like a candle chart (JavaScript,Google Chart API)
- Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like a donut chart (JavaScript,Google Chart API)
- Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like a bubble chart (JavaScript,Google Chart API)
- Using Google API read JSON file and create Google Map. (JavaScript, Google Chart API)
Here Demo